16 January 2020

Off the Shelf; Or What's New in My Corner of the World 8

Beth Fish ReadsQuick personal update here. You might have noticed that I haven't been posting much and that I haven't been visiting blogs or posting on Instagram or even tweeting. There's a reason for that.

My mother has been having some health issues, and I've been visiting with her and taking over some care-giving duties from my brother. As you can imagine, all my non-work time is focused on family and helping my mom regain her strength and vigor. I have not been reading or reviewing or tending to my blog.

I will have a Weekend Cooking post up on Saturday. I hope next week I can be more active on social media and my blog. At the moment we're taking each day, one at a time.

So, in case you were wondering what happened to me, now you know.


bermudaonion 1/16/20, 9:29 AM  

Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she regains some strength and vigor.

rhapsodyinbooks 1/16/20, 10:26 AM  

I'm sure she is grateful for all your support.

Kay 1/16/20, 3:43 PM  

I'm sorry about your Mom's health problems. However, I do understand helping out with parent care. Know that all of you will be in my thoughts and thanks for letting us know. Take care of yourself as well!

JoAnn 1/16/20, 4:18 PM  

Sorry to hear about your mother's health issues. You're all in my thoughts.

Nan 1/16/20, 8:21 PM  

I'm so sorry. It is very emotionally draining doing this, and it doesn't leave much energy for anything else.

shelleyrae @ book'd out 1/17/20, 4:39 AM  

My best wishes for your mothers recovery Beth.

Dana Tanaro Britt 1/17/20, 6:05 AM  

I'm so sorry to hear your mother is struggling--and so glad you can be with her. Try to take a bit of
care of you in there, as well. All the best hopes for better days ahead.

Judi from a thoughtful reveal 1/17/20, 1:51 PM  

Positive thoughts and energy coming your way.

Tina 1/17/20, 4:00 PM  

I’ve been away camping and no signal, just got home. Family comes first and I’m glad you and your brother can be there and help. Hoping your mom sees improvement. Get rest for yourself as well!

Robin M 1/17/20, 9:01 PM  

Healing thoughts and prayers winging your way! Hope your mother feels better soon!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 1/18/20, 8:02 AM  

I'm sorry to hear about your mother's health issues. It's a lot to try to take care of your mom. Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Amanda 1/18/20, 10:16 AM  

So sorry to hear this Candace. I hope she recovers well and quickly. Sending you lots of love.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! 1/18/20, 10:54 AM  

May healing be swift and for all. Caregiving is a work of love, but work none the less, take care of yourself also. Sending good wishes for all.

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness) 1/18/20, 5:36 PM  

I'm sorry to hear about your mom! I hope she continues to improve :)

Les in Oregon 1/19/20, 8:44 PM  

I am so sorry to hear this, Candace. I'll keep you and your mother in my thoughts.

Karen White 1/20/20, 9:39 AM  

Sorry to hear about your mom, Candace--my dad is having health issues, too so I completely understand how it changes things. I hope she's doing better. Sending you strength in any case.

Luann 1/29/20, 2:21 AM  
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Luann 1/29/20, 2:22 AM  
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