27 December 2019

Off the Shelf; Or What's New in My Corner of the World 6

Saying good-bye to 2019 on Beth Fish ReadsIn a perfect world, today’s post would be all about how many books I read in 2019, broken down into categories like print vs. audio and fiction vs. nonfiction. Mine is decidedly not a perfect world.

Instead today is a collection of random thoughts about my blog, both in this past year and what I envision for the next year; some shout-outs to a few good things; and my goals for 2020.

Blogging rhythm: My real-life workload has greatly increased over the last few months, which is nothing but a blessing for everything but my blog. Extra work, means less time to read and less time for writing blog posts. Regardless, I plan to do my best to maintain my posting schedule.

Reading failure and success: I started out 2019 committed to reading a short story a week. That didn’t last long. I also committed to reading more books in translation. I think I did okay in that department.

Saying good-bye to 2019 on Beth Fish ReadsFun and inspiring: I was lucky enough to be tapped for the Abrams Dinner Party for both the 2018–2019 season and the 2019–2020 season. I can’t tell you how much I love being part of this program. The cookbooks are terrific, and the other Dinner Party guests are super supportive. I was also recently accepted into the Voracious cookbook review program, and I can’t wait to share even more recipes and reviews with you.

Life-changing discoveries: I finally got myself a set of Bluetooth earbuds. OMG, what the heck was I waiting for? I loved them so much, I bought a second pair when they went on sale. I admitted total failure with maintaining a bullet journal and instead invested in a higher-end paper planner. I love how much more organized I am and am especially happy to not have to draw my own calendar each week. I’m a pen planner, not a decorative sticker planner.

Saying good-bye to 2019 on Beth Fish ReadsHopes and dreams for next year: In terms of reading and blogging that is. First, I hope to keep better stats next year and maybe even update my blog's review index (I stopped about halfway through 2017!). Second, I'm determined to increase the percent of books I read digitally. It’s simply time to develop new habits and take a realistic view on the number of books stored in this house. Third, I would like to continue to post more bookish content over on Instagram. It’s fun and may get me back into photography, which has sadly slipped to the back burner. Finally, I want to continue to keep my blogging a no-pressure venture with a relaxed posting schedule. This works for me, and I hope it works for you too.

As I go into my 12th (!) year of blogging, I hope you’ll be on the journey with me. We have all said it a million times, but it's true: The best part of blogging is the community and the wonderful friendships we've all made over the years. Here’s to a safe and happy 2020.


shelleyrae @ book'd out 12/27/19, 8:15 AM  

I’m not a statician either :)
How wonderful to represent another foodie publisher, I look forward to you sharing them in 2020!

rhapsodyinbooks 12/27/19, 8:18 AM  

I assume Bluetooth earbuds have no wires. I need that too!

bermudaonion 12/27/19, 8:27 AM  

You're perfect for the cookbook programs!

Both Carl and Vance have Air Pods and love them. I haven't gotten them because I've read they don't stay in your ear when you run.

I love reading people's detailed stats and vowed to keep some of my own one year but that didn't last long.

Good luck with all of your goals!

Kay 12/27/19, 9:04 AM  

I think I am way over the stats thing. However, I do enjoy reading what others share. Wireless headphones - I've loved mine for a long time. Mine are hooked together in one piece - they are not new, but I guess I'm waiting until they 'die' until updating them. They work for me. I love them on my walks and I don't have to worry about a cord connecting to my phone. Glad to hear that you'll still be around in 2020. I will be too - in whatever way works for me. I agree that the community of readers that we've all met through our blogs is what keeps me in the game. Not sure what my blogging will look like in the new year, but I'll do whatever is the least stress. Happy New Year!

Greg 12/27/19, 10:24 PM  

Oh my gosh my review index is a MESS. As in, I haven't updated it in forever. Ack I'm with ya there. And Bluetooth earbuds- yeah i need to get me some of those haha!

Hope you had a fabulous holiday!!

JoAnn 12/28/19, 7:57 AM  

Bluetooth earbuds were a game-changer for me. It's been a couple of years , but I still marvel every time I use them!!

Amanda 12/28/19, 9:03 AM  

Laid-back blogging is the best way to go!

On a side note - I think it's interesting how bullet journaling has become synonymous with drawing, stickers, and creativity. It began as a no-frills journaling technique involving lists and indexing like in encyclopedias. I still do my bujo that way. I never draw anything unless I'm specifically trying out different methods of rearranging furniture in my house, haha. It's all lists, bullets, and reference points. A single pen, no stickers, no frills. I picked it up because I always found the calendars in paper planners inadequate for my needs. I much prefer to have a list of days rather than a grid format.

Anyway, enough about that. I hope your 2020 is great and don't worry at all about us readers - we're here for you however you blog!

Les in Oregon 12/28/19, 2:47 PM  

I finally got bluetooth headphones and LOVE them! They aren't earbuds, but rather bone conduction open ear headphones by AfterShokz. I have a feeling I'm going to double my audiobook numbers in 2020.

Happy New Year!

Bryan G. Robinson 12/29/19, 9:22 AM  

A collection of random thoughts works too. Sometimes it's what works. I've noticed you're not around as much, but I'm glad, as always, when I do see your posts. My wife also is a pen planner, not a decorative sticker planner. I do neither and prefer digital with the plan this year to do more online journaling.

Elisabeth 12/29/19, 10:51 AM  

Sadly, I’m not a blogger.....yet, but I enjoy reading blogs, yours especially. I am a list maker on scrap paper so have not jumped on the planner band wagon...yet. Same for ear buds, seems I am behind the times!!

Lisbeth 2/29/20, 4:59 AM  

Life takes over sometimes. I love making lists, but rarely look at them afterwords! I like keeping track of my reading. That is why the blog is so good. It might not interest others, but I often go back to check what I have read, and what it was all about. Memory fails with the years.
Good luck with your goals for 2020. My main goal is to read more non fiction, to read several books about the same topic and learn something new.

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