03 January 2018

Wordless Wednesday 479

January Trees

Taken in 2017 with Hisptamatic (it's too cold to walk outside this week). Click image to enlarge. For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 1/3/18, 6:54 AM  

I would freeze solid if I stepped outside in that weather. I can feel the cold from here.


Kay 1/3/18, 7:12 AM  

Wow! Love this. It would make a gorgeous wall hanging. And, yes, too cold for my Texan heart. It's too cold here this morning - 20. Brrr!!!

Indrani 1/3/18, 7:37 AM  

Looks eerie but cool.
Excellent silhouette shot.
Happy WW!

bermudaonion 1/3/18, 10:00 AM  

That would make a great eerie book cover.

carol l mckenna 1/3/18, 10:21 AM  

Lovely and creative wintry shot! love it!

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous,  1/3/18, 10:30 AM  

Nice shot! The winter can be so beautiful.

Pam 1/3/18, 10:31 AM  

That looks like a framing pic to me. Very nice.

Tina 1/3/18, 10:40 AM  

That looks cold, very neat that you captured that feeling.
It snowed in Tallahassee Florida! It was all gone by the time we drove in for work but my son said it accumulated on his car.

SuziQoregon 1/3/18, 11:03 AM  

Oooh - that's very cool

catsynth 1/3/18, 12:08 PM  

Beautiful. I like the lines and branches, zooming in mentally on the detail.

I can only imagine how cold it is there right now. Definitely indoor time!

Les in Oregon 1/3/18, 1:14 PM  

Love the mood in this shot!

Mae Travels 1/3/18, 4:19 PM  

I saw an exhibit of photos by Talbot, one of the simultaneous inventors of photography in the 19th century. One of his very early pics was of a tree against the sky. It’s an irresistible subject.

best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Birgitta 1/4/18, 7:33 AM  

So beautiful picture!

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