07 November 2016

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: What I'm Watching

Another week went by with very little reading going on in this house. I am busy with work and at night we seem to be glued to the news. Can't wait until after tomorrow when I hope things will begin to calm down and the USA can get on a more positive track.

Audiobook webinar: As you know, if you signed in last week, we had technical difficulties with the APA's presentation about audiobooks: tips on reviewing, how to get involved in the social media community, and more. We seem to have ironed out the issues and I hope you'll be there again this Wednesday, November 9, at 8pm EST. Click through to the APA's site for information; there is still time to RSVP.

Television: Here are some of the cable shows we are woefully behind on. We'll be catching up after the election. Answer me this: Why does every show worth watching air on Sunday nights?

5 recommended Sunday night TV shows
  • Westworld: Wild, weird, and addictive. Where artificial intelligence and reality begin to merge. (HBO)
  • The Durrells in Corfu: Fun and quirky. A charmingly dysfunctional British family attempts to start over in Greece in the mid-1930s. (PBS)
  • Indian Summers: Beautifully filmed drama. Life for the British begins to unravel as the seeds of Indian independence start to take root. (PBS)
  • Poldark: Love and revenge in Cornwall. In the 1700s, a struggling landowner draws the wrath of his wealthier peers. (PBS)
  • Shameless: Down and out in Chicago. A painfully dysfunctional family tries to keep a roof over their heads in the seedier part of Chicago. (SHO)
Coming up this week: I have a giveaway for a great read tomorrow and a roundup of suggested reading for Jewish book month on Thursday or Friday. Oh, and of course, a Weekend Cooking post. It will be a light week here because I'm getting ready for my annual women's long weekend away. I've noticed that Mr. BFR is not so secretly looking forward to having the house to himself for a few days.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 11/7/16, 6:34 AM  

I will be happy when the election is over tomorrow. Please, please, I urge all my thinking, reading friends to vote tomorrow, if you have not already done so. Now more than ever we need readers who vote.


(Diane) bookchickdi 11/7/16, 6:55 AM  

I have been obsessively watching the news too, and it has affected my reading. Once tomorrow is over, I hope to get back on track.

JoAnn 11/7/16, 7:49 AM  

This election cannot be over soon enough... I can't wait for Wednesday! Haven't heard about The Durrells in Corfu yet, but it looks good.

Susie | Novel Visits 11/7/16, 8:14 AM  

I've been reading, but just not loving the books I've picked. I'm also hopeful life will begin to return to normal after the election tomorrow, but is that even possible with this one?!?

bermudaonion 11/7/16, 8:15 AM  

I know how Mr. BFR feels - Carl's gone for a couple of days and I couldn't wait for him to leave. Of course, I'll be even happier when he gets back, but having the house to myself for a couple of days is blissful!

Katherine P 11/7/16, 8:51 AM  

The Durrells in Corfu has been calling my name and I've heard fantastic things about Poldark! I've been trying to ignore the election coverage as much as possible but I'm definitely looking forward to Wednesday!

Kailana 11/7/16, 9:02 AM  

I have never seen any of these shows. lol I am not a big TV watcher honestly.

Kathy Martin 11/7/16, 9:34 AM  

I will be happy when the election is over. I'm just afraid that it won't really be over tomorrow if Trump loses. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

Bibliophile 11/7/16, 10:54 AM  

If anything could get me to start watching TV again, it would be The Durrells in Corfu. I loved the books. I'm assuming this one's mostly based on my Family and Other Animals, but Gerald Durrell also wrote about his family's time in Corfu in Birds, Beasts and Relatives.

Laurel-Rain Snow 11/7/16, 12:08 PM  

I will be glad to see the election over...and hopefully, the right person wins! Everyone vote!

I started watching Shameless on Netflix. I have a ways to go. That crazy family has to grow on you.

I started watching a show called Luther, too. I seem to be drawn to British (Irish, and Australian) crime dramas.

Enjoy your books and your watching...here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

Anonymous,  11/7/16, 1:03 PM  

I agree, ready for this election to be over!!

Nan 11/7/16, 2:15 PM  

I saw The Durrells on ITV via Tunnelbear, and bought the DVDS because I knew I'd want to watch it again and again. There will be a second season, I've heard. I'm binge watching The Gilmore Girls in anticipation of the new shows. And a British show I bought the DVDS of called Stella. And This is Us on Hulu.

Sue Jackson 11/7/16, 3:57 PM  

I have no idea when our favorite shows air...we watch them all On Demand now! Unfortunately, we don't have nay pay channels so have missed most of these, though we'd love to see Westworld. BUT, we just discovered Shameless on netflix and are making our way thru season 1 - it's so good! "Painfully dysfunctional was a great way to put it! William Macy's character is just awful. Hilarious show but warm also. Joan Cusack's character is my favorite :)

Enjoy catching up this week!


Book By Book

Nise' 11/7/16, 4:40 PM  

Looking forward to the webinar. Glad the bugs have been worked out. We are behind on our tv viewing.

Greg 11/7/16, 5:04 PM  

I'm liking Westworld even though I'm not entirely sure where it's going, but it definitely has my attention. And The Durrell's looks good- the 1930's plus Corfu sound amazing. :)

Daryl 11/8/16, 9:43 AM  

thank goodness for DVRs and Tivos ...

Laurie C 11/9/16, 7:40 PM  

I've been reading but not keeping up with my own blog or anyone else's, but I'm so glad I caught this post of yours! I had registered for that audiobook webinar and completely forgot about it that night, so now I'll be able to sign in tonight. I didn't know you were involved in it; that's fantastic! Thanks for reminding me, too!

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