10 October 2015

Weekend Cooking: The Comic Book Story of Beer by Jonathan Hennessey and Mike Smith

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The Comic Book Story of Beer by Jonathan Hennessey and Mike SmithAlmost two years ago I wrote about a Discovery Channel documentary on beer and the role the fermented beverage played in human history. The newest entry in the beer and history genre is Jonathan Hennessey and Mike Smith's The Comic Book Story of Beer (art by Aaron McConnell; lettering by  Tom Orzechowski).

If you're looking for a light, colorful, and accessible way to learn about the world's favorite drink--from it's earliest forms to the newest craft beer--then this nonfiction comic was written just for you.

The Comic Book Story of Beer follows a similar path as the documentary, starting with an examination of the inextricable link between beer and agriculture. After building that foundation, Hennessey and Smith introduce us to the process of making the brew and then give us a look at all things beer at a few key moments in history (for example, the Middle Ages, Age of Exploration, and Industrial Revolution).

copyright: The Comic Book Story of Beer by Jonathan Hennessey and Mike SmithAlthough The Comic Book Story of Beer doesn't offer any new or startling information, it's an entertaining way to get a better understanding of beer through the ages. If you click on the scan to the right, you'll discover one of the reasons beer developed its reputation of being associated with a rougher crowd compared to wine drinkers. Oh those crazy ancient Greeks!

The artwork is colorful, spanning a range of styles to fit the mood of the time period or topic being presented. The facial expressions and body language of the people clearly show emotions, and action is conveyed in conventional ways. I found it odd, however, that several panels were repeated; same drawing but with different text.

copyright: The Comic Book Story of Beer by Jonathan Hennessey and Mike SmithAmong my favorite sections are the features called "Meet the Beer." These one-page panels are scattered throughout the book, each one presenting a specific type of beer. If you click on the scan to the left, you'll see an example.

Jonathan Hennessey and Mike Smith's The Comic Book Story of Beer is an informative look at how beer evolved from what was essentially drinkable bread about nine thousand years ago to the vast variety of craft beers and home brews that are so popular today. Knowledgeable beer drinkers will want to check the book out from the library. But if you're new to the beer world, this comic is a great place to start learning about the history of your new favorite drink.

Published by Penguin Random House / Ten Speed Press, 2015
ISBN-13: 9781607746355
Source: Review (see review policy)
Copyright © cbl for Beth Fish Reads, all rights reserved (see review policy)


rhapsodyinbooks 10/10/15, 6:23 AM  

This looks like so much fun! I want to read it, and I bet Kathy will be looking for this one too!

Sarah (Sarah's Book Shelves) 10/10/15, 7:41 AM  

I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I love the idea of comic book histories of different foods or dishes!

Teddyree 10/10/15, 7:41 AM  

I'm not much of a beer drinker but I was surprised how much I enjoyed reading about the history of ale making in The Brewer's Tale last year. My hubby would like this :)

Unknown 10/10/15, 7:54 AM  

This looks like a great book for beer connoisseurs. Thanks for having this meme Beth.

jama 10/10/15, 9:03 AM  

Looks like a fun format for learning the history of beer -- which I know so little about. Will have to look for this one. :)

(Diane) bookchickdi 10/10/15, 9:42 AM  

Comic books and beer go together well.

bermudaonion 10/10/15, 10:00 AM  

How did I miss this one? I need it!!

Katherine P 10/10/15, 10:09 AM  

I'm not a big beer drinker but the history sounds interesting and I love the comic book format of it. This definitely looks like a lot of fun!

Claudia 10/10/15, 12:00 PM  

I do enjoy the occasional beer, usually the micro types, and will try to get a copy of this book as it looks like a fun read.

Beth S. 10/10/15, 3:21 PM  

A comic book about beer... I'm intrigued to say the least. :)

Nan 10/10/15, 5:49 PM  

I so wish I liked beer. I was telling some friends the other day that it seems like such a convivial beverage. But sadly, I don't. Not fond of wine either. The cosmo is my drink of choice!

Joy 10/10/15, 8:35 PM  

What a fun presentation of the topic! I think I'd really enjoy it for the visuals that change with the history.

Melanie 10/11/15, 12:13 AM  

I love history of random things! I feel like learning the facts about beer in this book would give you good party trivia for lulls in conversation.

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