25 May 2015

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: The Pre-BEA Edition

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts @ www.BethFishReads.comStacked-Up Book Thoughts are my random notes about books I've read, movies I've watched, books I'm looking forward to, and events I hope to get to.

BEA: Of course, the biggest event in my near future is attending Book Expo America (BEA) in New York this coming week. I'm making a quick trip out of this year for a number of reasons. Unfortunately, that means I won't have time to see friends and relatives who live in the city and I'm worried that I'll even miss seeing some of you.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to learning about all the books and meeting up with publicists and authors. I plan to write several posts, so you'll be able to make your wish list grow as big as mine will. I'm also very excited to have the opportunity to be on a panel at the Audio Publishers Association Conference. The title of session will give you an idea of what we'll be talking about: "How to Build Relationships & Work with Reviewers to Secure Coverage." I can't wait to share ideas.

Fables: Happily Ever After by Bill Willingham, In a French Kitchen by Susan Loomis, Dylan Goes Electric by Elijah WaldWhat I've Read or Am Reading: May was the slowest reading month I've had in . . . well, could it be ever? I managed to finish a few books here and there, some of which I've already written about. Here's an indication of how bad a reader I've become: The new Fables came out, arrived at my home, and has still not been opened! I'm hoping to read it today, if I get my laundry and packing finished (see BEA, above). Fables: Happily Ever After by Bill Willingham will focus on Fabletown and the split between sisters Snow White and Red Rose. Should be good. One of my favorite food writers has a new book coming out in June, and I've just barely stared it. Susan Herrmann Loomis's In a French Kitchen is all about how the French manage to put together lovely, fresh, nutritious daily meals and still find the time to do all the other things normal people have to deal with in the modern world. Put this on your list. Another book I've got going is Elijah Wald's Dylan Goes Electric (I'm not sure why, but I really don't love the title). Even the introduction had me thinking and reevaluating Dylan, Pete Seeger, Newport, and the whole folk scene of my youth. (Bonus: If you like Dave van Ronk, be sure to read Wald's Mayor of MacDougal Street.)

Where All Light Tends to Go by David Joy, The Mapmaker's Children by Sarah McCoy, The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina GeorgeWhat I've Listened to or Am Listening to: I've gotten very little listening time in because I've been around family and friends a lot over the last weeks. This is a good thing, but it makes it a little difficult to put my earbuds in. Plus rainy days have kept me from my walks. Enough of the excuses already! David Joy's Where All Light Tends to Go (read by MacLeod Andrews) is a kind of gritty coming-of-age story set in North Carolina. The audio production was well done, but I'm still processing the novel itself--I'm not completely sure what I thought. Sarah McCoy's The Mapmaker's Children (read by Abby Craden, Cassandra Campbell, and Jane Jacobs) is about two women who spend time in the same house but in two very different historical periods. Despite living in different centuries, they share some of the same sorrows and troubles. Don't miss this one. I've just started Nina George's The Little Paris Bookshop (read by Steve West, Emma Bering, and Cassandra Campbell). Oh how I love the bookstore on a barge, the references to both classic and modern literature, and the way Monsieur Perdu knows just what book will heal his customers. I can't wait to see where this story takes me.

Note on this week: I'm going light this week! Look for a photo on Wednesday and a Weekend Cooking post on Saturday. I'll be back to my regularly scheduled program next week, with lots of bookish talk from New York.


JoAnn 5/25/15, 7:35 AM  

Enjoy your time at BEA. I'm already looking forward to your posst. Last year you introduced me to We Are Not Ourselves, and that turned out to be a favorite!

Jackie McGuinness 5/25/15, 8:30 AM  

I would love to go to BEA!

Unknown 5/25/15, 8:41 AM  

I just got Mapmaker's Children from the library and am really looking forward to it. Enjoy BEA, I look forward to reading all about it.

bermudaonion 5/25/15, 8:58 AM  

I'm struggling to keep up with everything so my reading has been light all year long. I'm looking forward to seeing you this week!

Heather 5/25/15, 9:58 AM  

Enjoy BEA! Can't wait to hear all about it.

And yay new Susan Hermann Loomis! I loved her book On Rue Tatin. So good.

Molly 5/25/15, 10:05 AM  

I have fond memories of my first BEA in NYC and meeting so many of you in person. I'm anxious to read your posts this week so I can experience the event vicariously :)

Tina 5/25/15, 10:45 AM  

I just picked up In a French Kitchen and plan to stay it next week. Finishing another book now. I wish I could see you I. nY but I doubt I will ever be there in this lifetime.

Vasilly 5/25/15, 12:49 PM  

The new Fables!! I had no idea it was out! It sounds like you have such a busy week ahead, yet you're reading so much! :-)

Have fun in New York!

(Diane) bookchickdi 5/25/15, 5:16 PM  

I'm looking forward to seeing you at BEA.

Sarah (Sarah's Book Shelves) 5/25/15, 6:39 PM  

I'll be heading to BEA for the first time on Friday - looking forward to it and a little nervous!

And - Where All the Light Tends to Go is on my TBR list...I hope to get to it before the end of the year.

Nise' 5/26/15, 10:21 PM  

Have a great time at BEA. MacLeod Andrews narrating gets my attention. I saw The Mapmaker's Children at the library today, but did not pick it up.

Lisa 5/26/15, 11:30 PM  

Enjoy your time at BEA!

Daryl 5/27/15, 12:15 PM  

by now, you're likely been and home ...

Bree 5/29/15, 4:03 AM  

The Mapmaker's Children sounds good. Did you like the reader? Have fun at BEA.

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