10 August 2013

Weekend Cooking: Woman on Top (Movie)

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Woman On Top MovieEvery once in a while I like to sit down with a glass of wine and a big bowl of popcorn and indulge in a fun foodie movie. This week I decided to give Woman on Top (2000) a try. It promised Brazil, lively music, Penélope Cruz, and spicy South American fare.

What I got was a few good food scenes and a movie that didn't live up to its potential.

Isabella Oliveira (Cruz) has a problem with motion sickness, and not just from vehicles but from dancing, elevators, and even sex. The only way she can overcome her problem is to be in control.

Although Isabella loves her husband, she doesn't love that she spends her days cooking for their restaurant while he stays out front flirting with the women. When he goes too far, Isabella leaves Brazil for San Francisco, where she's sure she'll find a job working for a fine restaurant.

After a television producer sees Isabella cook, he gives her the chance to have her very own cooking show. She becomes an overnight success, but what is the cost of fame? And what about her husband who is finally willing to relinquish control and is begging her to come back home?

The music had me dancing and the tropical dishes made me hungry, but neither were enough to save this movie. Although Woman on Top was not slap-stick, it was just way too silly for me. The acting was only mediocre and the premise, which should have made for a light, entertaining romantic comedy, fell flat.

You may have better luck than I did. Here's the trailer:


(Diane) bookchickdi 8/10/13, 6:43 AM  

The trailer didn't look too appealing either. I hope at least the popcorn was good.

Marg 8/10/13, 6:50 AM  

I have vague recollections of seeing that years ago, but obviously it wasn't worth remembering very well!

rhapsodyinbooks 8/10/13, 7:15 AM  

I'm surprised and disappointed. The plot summary sounds so good!

Sandy Nawrot 8/10/13, 7:34 AM  

I have a weird attitude towards Cruz. I've seen her in some amazing roles, but she tends to generally drive me crazy. (Doesn't help I have to see her in that stupid Nespresso commercial EVERY MORNING.) So I probably would not have picked this one up in any situation. My favorite foodie movie of all time I think is Babette's Feast!

caite 8/10/13, 7:41 AM  

a shame...I have to agree, I hope the popcorn was good so it was not a total waste!

JoAnn 8/10/13, 8:14 AM  

Aww, too bad. Hope the next foodie film is better.

Tina 8/10/13, 8:25 AM  

Yeah...I like a romantic comedy here and there but this one was too silly. Not exactly bad acting but, not top notch. The food on the hand, A+

bermudaonion 8/10/13, 9:49 AM  

I guess that explains why I've never heard of this movie.

Cecelia 8/10/13, 11:00 AM  

The trailer made me wary, and your experience has sealed the deal. Not seeing this. Thanks for sharing, though - would have never heard of the film otherwise!

Sharon Galligar Chance 8/10/13, 12:32 PM  

Hi Beth! It's been a while since I did a Weekend Cooking, so thought I'd pop over and see what ya'll were up to!

So sorry that the movie was a bust - hate that when it happens!

Happy Weekend!!

Col (Col Reads) 8/10/13, 2:14 PM  

Well, at least you had wine and popcorn -- and samba! Too bad the movie was a miss!

Anonymous,  8/10/13, 5:13 PM  

I think I've this, but it apparently wasn't memorable enough for me to be sure! I have vague recollections of seeing it with my husband, who is always up for a Penelope Cruz movie ;-)

Carole 8/10/13, 6:11 PM  

Shame that the movie didn't live up to its interesting premise - although I must say I don't like the title either! Have a great week.

Peaceful Reader 8/10/13, 8:33 PM  

I love the idea of a big bowl of popcorn and a glass of nice white wine. I'll have to try the snacks but can probably skip this movie!

Anonymous,  8/11/13, 4:17 PM  

I have found there is something off putting about Penelope Cruz. I tend to not like her in anything. It is a shame about this movie though it sounds like a good idea for a plot.

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