29 February 2012

Wordless Wednesday 170

Signs of Spring, February 2012

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Kailana 2/29/12, 2:44 AM  

Everything is white outside my windows... The white fluffy stuff variety... :)

Pretty flower, though!

LifeRamblings 2/29/12, 4:00 AM  

i love spring. beautiful white blossom.

Indrani 2/29/12, 5:25 AM  

The sign of spring!

Kaye 2/29/12, 5:49 AM  

oh, so gorgeous!

Beth Hoffman 2/29/12, 6:21 AM  

Lovely and so full of promise!

Lisa@ButteryBooks 2/29/12, 6:34 AM  

My favorite time of the year. I love seeing everything come to life (except for the weeds...my back is already starting to hurt just thinking about them).

Ed T. 2/29/12, 6:37 AM  

Nice shot. But... springtime? Can it be? It seems so soon, and we haven't really had winter yet!

(Happy WW!)


Sandy Nawrot 2/29/12, 7:14 AM  

Was there ever a winter? Good to see this little guy announce that spring is on its way.

caite 2/29/12, 8:16 AM  

very pretty..
it is going to be a very early spring.

Alex 2/29/12, 8:23 AM  

Lovely - makes me really hope for an early spring.

Meg @ write meg! 2/29/12, 9:11 AM  

So nice to see! Even with a mild winter, I'm super excited to see the warm days returning.

Susan Adcox 2/29/12, 9:38 AM  

Beautiful image. We're already seeing blossoming redbud trees and azaleas down here in South Texas.

Zibilee 2/29/12, 10:17 AM  

You always capture the best images. So, so beautiful!

Barbara 2/29/12, 10:54 AM  

Lovely snowdrop. Gives me spring fever, as if I didn't have it anyway.

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 2/29/12, 11:10 AM  

So pretty! Great capture. I'm so looking forward to Spring.

Christine 2/29/12, 12:16 PM  

I saw snowdrops blooming around here the other day, too. :)

catsynth 2/29/12, 12:26 PM  

Beautiful and subtle. I like the way the flower curves downward.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) 2/29/12, 1:23 PM  

Yaaaay! Flowers. I love early spring. We are having a 60 degree day today in Chicago.

Stan 2/29/12, 1:23 PM  

That's a lovely shot. My daffodils are just starting to peek out. They may end up with snow on their heads.

Pam (@iwriteinbooks) 2/29/12, 2:16 PM  

Oh, it's so gloomy and rainy, here, today...this just made it a little bit brighter. Yay spring!

carol 2/29/12, 2:35 PM  

How pretty! I love spring.

Marie 2/29/12, 6:09 PM  

Great shot! I'm jealous. Any sign of spring for us is at least a month away...if not longer.

Jenners 2/29/12, 9:02 PM  

Mine keep poking their heads out and keep saying "Go back. Wait a little longer."

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea 2/29/12, 9:48 PM  

Lucky you -- it's beautiful. We are in the midst of 3-6" of white stuff....UGH

Anonymous,  2/29/12, 11:22 PM  

Hooray for spring! The poppies are in bloom out here.

pet food 3/1/12, 7:05 AM  

This lovely pictures reminds me that the spring is almost there. The snow flower are starting to bloom and it makes me relax.

Libby 3/2/12, 5:59 AM  

Love it! Good job. :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity 3/2/12, 1:53 PM  

It's just gorgeous! Don't you love those first signs of spring? Our Bradford Pears are in full bloom and I hope to get some shots tonight/tomorrow before they suddenly turn green.

Dorte H 3/3/12, 3:37 PM  

How sweet! I love our snowdrops for their prettiness and their promise of warmer days to come.

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