Wordless Wednesday 163
Water Tower at Sunset (for Daryl), 2012

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Reading, Thinking, Photographing
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Very serene! Love.
Nice shot! It looks like there is an explosion off to the left.
Beautiful. I love sunset photos.
very calm and peaceful. nice capture.
Great contrast between the tower and the vegetation against the sunset. It looks a bit lonely, or perhaps I should say "solitary".
Beautiful sky. Love the silhouette against the golden sky.
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Nice! I never tire of sunsets, and no two are ever alike.
another water tower! But not in the Big City this time...
very nice.
..and I totally agree with kikifitz! as she is me.
Very nice, calming picture - and quite a contrast to the "big city" that I see every day.
Happy WW!
Gorgeous glow there.
Beautiful. I can hear the caw-caw of a crow off in the distance.
I don't know where this picture was taken, but it reminds me of home in Indiana.
Pretty shot!
Sandy: I took this one the other day on my walk -- right here in central PA.
A water tower! I am grinning!
Great shot. I love the sky and the color.
Lovely photo!
The color on this one is great. So is all the open space. I love it!
So lovely.
My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo
Pretty! Looks like my home town.
I love this one. I have a special affection for water towers. Gorgeous sunset.
My picture today was a sunset in the FL Keys.
Nice sunset touch : )
So pretty!
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