25 October 2011

Wordless Wednesday 153

Graveyard, 2011

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  1. The pink flower makes it perfect! Fine shot!

  2. The lone flower there adds so much of meaning to the pic.

  3. Wow, that's in good shape considering how old it is.

  4. love old headstones...and yes, the pink flower is perfect.

  5. i love the peacefulness of old graveyards.

  6. I like the contrast of the pink flower to the old gravestone.

  7. One lonely little flower, standing watch...

    Happy WW!


  8. Great shot. Love the contrasts, such a sweet little flower against the cold gray stone.

  9. I always shake my head at you. I take hundreds of graveyard photos (I'm obsessed with them) but none of mind has the beauty and simplicity and texture that this one does. Nice job.

  10. I love this photo! Old gravestones are fascinating, and then to find that pop of color - very cool.

    I stopped by for Wordless Wednesday, I'd love to have you stop by and link up your post!

  11. Great composition. Love the lone flower.

  12. There is something about that singular flower that just melts my heart. It gives me feelings of reverence. Thanks for sharing this lovely picture with us today.

  13. Very nicely composed. The flower sets off the stone well.

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  14. Really nice composition, with the stone and the flower. I saw a lot of interesting stones when I was Maine a few years ago. :)

  15. Looking at your touching picture I thought 'live goes on.'
    Thanks for visiting my blog on Wordless Wednesday.

  16. Nice shot. Good eye for detail.

  17. Great photo. I love old tombstones and that little pink flower just sets it off perfectly.

  18. Oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes to photograph old gravestones. Your pictures are much better though!

  19. This image looks like something out of a movie. That one lone flower totally makes it!

  20. I would pick up the book that has this for the cover. It's a great shot anyway, but that flower makes it even better.

  21. I LOVE this pic, Beth!! It's gorgeous :D

  22. I LOVE this pic, Beth!! It's gorgeous :D


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