12 October 2011

Wordless Wednesday 151

Church Door Knob (Ribe, Denmark)

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  1. Wow. That is beautiful!! I've never seen such a doorknob. Great capture.

  2. Very cool!! I love your door related photos.

  3. I got to see a variety of them during my Europe tour.
    This one is a good one. :)

  4. Nice shot. I don't recall seeing any of those in my travels through Europe, but I didn't get to Denmark. Also, that was a long time ago.

    Happy WW!


  5. You just don't see door handles like this! How totally cool. I'd pay big money for that.

  6. Is that awesome or what?? love it. I'd expect to see it on the entrance to one of the big mansions in Newport, RI.

  7. I wonder how old that is. Very, very interesting.

  8. Beaufiful !!!
    Can find the most amazing thing if you just use your eyes that for sure :)
    Wish you a great day
    Hugs from Siv

  9. Fabulous door handle. I love old details.

  10. That is an incredible doorknob! I've never seen anything like it.

  11. Totally, madly, adoringly in love with it!

  12. Such a beautiful detail!

  13. These kinds of door knockers always make me leery for some reason...like I will squeeze too hard and they will come to life and say "ouch!"

  14. A very cool and ornate door knob, that's for sure! Love it!

  15. Ok -- this is really cool. :)

    I took lots of door photos on my last trip to Italy - it's amazing how ornate and detailed some of them are.

  16. Nice! You have a good eye for the macro shots. I wouldn't expect that much detail in a doorknocker, but there it is.

  17. Wow, great photo. I don't think I've ever seen such a detailed door knob.

  18. Oh, I love that doorknob, and I wonder what the inside of the church must look like if even the doorknobs are so ornate!

  19. What a coll and interesting door knob!

  20. amazing, what a rare sight to see :)

  21. That has to be the prettiest doorknob ever. Too bad no one builds churches and/or homes with beautiful details anymore. Everything is straight and plain.

  22. Great shot! They certainly don't make them like that anymore. I love it.

  23. What a beautiful thing! And it will only get more beautiful with time as more people touch it....

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. ooops...screwed that last comment up. lol

    it is a lovely door knob, but they might be a little out of place on my house.

  26. Oh, just love that! Wonder how old it is...

  27. Thanks to you, I just spent too many minutes on flickr staring at other people's photoes of this door knob, trying to figure out what the heck the human figure is clutching (or wrestling?). Still don't know :( but Ribe Domkirke looks like it's full of all sorts of interesting objects.

    Hard to believe the door is only from 1904!

  28. I didn't realize the door was so new! The church itself is hundreds of years older.

  29. Wow, that is just beautiful. I've never seen such a unique door knob anywhere.

  30. This one is just too funny!

    We visited Ribe domkirke some years ago (must have been after 1904 though), but we probably went through another door because I am sure we would have noticed this.

  31. Oooh, I really love this. It's beautiful and sweet and just really neat.


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