25 October 2011

Today's Read & Giveaway: Death by the Dozen by Jenn McKinley

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 "teaser" sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

This week I'm teasing another fun October mystery. I introduced you to this cozy a couple of weeks ago on Weekend Cooking (click for more information)
She gestured back to the trailer, and they watched as Daniel got a crowbar from a nearby truck and wedged it into the door. Both he and Peter pushed on the crowbar, and with a loud crack, the door popped open and out came a tumble of ice and a body.

Pete shrieked like a girly-girl, while Dan let loose a string of curses that could have barbequed meat without flame. (p. 79)
—From Death by the Dozen by Jenn McKinlay (Penguin USA / Berkley Prime Crime, 2011)

The Giveaway: Thanks to the great people at Berkley Prime Crime, I have an extra copy of Death by the Dozen to share with one of you. Because I'm doing the mailing myself, I can send the book anywhere in the world. To enter for a chance to win a copy of this fun cozy, just fill out the form. I'll pick the winner via random number generator on November 3. Good luck!


  1. Very cool teaser! Glad you chose this one as it makes the book sound very good! How is it so far?

  2. sounds like a light hearted rib tickler to me...always need more of these :)

  3. This would be perfect for my Mystery Monday feature.

  4. I love that cover! The diner reminds me of my kitchen!

    I just finished reading a book sort of like this, called Dumpster Dying.

    Bodies found in strange places....


  5. The cover cracks me up! Great teaser.

  6. Love the teaser and the cover! Both really great today!

  7. They must have gotten to it fast, since the ice hadn't melted away yet.

    You should add this to Win a Book

  8. Your teaser piqued my interest. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Great teaser and giveaway.


  10. Have heard a lot about this series, sounds good! Thanks for visiting. :)

  11. The body popping out doesn't sound so good, but the sound effects might have been interesting. Nice teaser.

  12. I just finished this one! It's a fun book, just like the previous ones in this series. I like that it includes cupcake recipes, although I haven't tried making any of them.

  13. Interesting teaser--is this a cozy mystery?

    Here's ours along with an audio book giveaway: http://ourstack.blogspot.com/2011/10/tuesday-teasers-wildwood-night.html

  14. Great teaser. It definitely made me smile.


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