11 October 2011

Today's Read: The End of the Wasp Season by Denise Mina

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 "teaser" sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

Perfect for October reading, this second in the Alex Morrow series promises to be heart-thumping scary and definitely gritty. I can't wait to see where this psychological thriller/police procedural mix is going to take me.
Sarah understood abruptly: he wasn't afraid that she would remember his face because he had come here to kill her. She would never get to leave this house. She would never get out of here.

She couldn't die here, in a cold, run-down house she had been fighting to escape her whole life, with a bare backside and two insolent kids coming into the room that was once her nursery.

Through a shimmer of tears she saw the space between them, the open door beyond.

Sarah put her head down and ran. (p. 9)
—From The End of the Wasp Season by Denise Mina (Little, Brown / Reagan Arthur Books, 2011 [from uncorrected proof, may differ from published edition])


  1. I hadn't heard much about this book, but with this teaser? You caught my attention and I want to read it! That trapped feeling? Frightening!

  2. I haven't heard about this book either but it sounds very interesting and quite scary! Thanks for sharing :-)

  3. You always pick some great teasers. Based on that snippet, if someone walked up and handed it to me, I'd stop what I was doing and read it.

  4. That is a terrific teaser. I own several books by this author but haven't read them yet. Hope you love this one.

  5. Great teaser. You reminded me that I need to read this one soon!

  6. Oh wow, that was a really chilling teaser. I hadn't heard of this book before, but now I am really interested in reading your full review!

  7. I've never heard of this book, but the cover along with your teaser has me intrigued!

  8. Oh, my, this sounds like a really thrilling read. I've read some of Mina's books and they're page-turners! Thanks for sharing. This one is going on my list!


  9. I'm a Denise Mina fan. This sounds really good.

  10. I suspect it didn't do her any good.

    Great teaser.

  11. Ooh, sounds good! I've never heard of this book, but the writing is gripping!

  12. You picked a pretty scary quote for your teaser. I hope she makes it out of the room.

  13. Hi Beth,

    I can't believe that I have never come across this author before, especially as she is a home-grown UK writer.

    All of her characters sound good, but Alex Morrow is probably the one that appeals to me the most.

    Author and books have been duly added to my reading list, thanks for highlighting Denise this week, or I might never have come across her work.

    The cover art is also a bit spooky and atmospheric, also probably terrifying if you don't like flying insects!

    I can see now why you were so liking of P.D. James, the similarities are there to be seen.

  14. This should be good since it's a Reagan Arthur book.

  15. I read a couple of Denise Mina books a few years ago and really loved their darkness and grittiness. Not sure why I didn't finish off that trilogy and then keep reading her follow up books!

    Nice teaser.

  16. Wow, what a great teaser. I hadn't heard of this book, but you grabbed my attention.

  17. Oh, great teaser--this sounds like one i might like. Thanks for visiting!

  18. I´ll keep an eye out for your review.

    I was completely bowled over by her Garnethill trilogy, but I thought the first Alex Morrow mystery was somewhat disappointing.


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