13 October 2011

Thursday Tea: Fables 8: Wolves by Bill Willingham

The Book: I don't know how he does it, but Bill Willingham manages to make each new Fables book better than the last. Volume 8, Wolves, is probably my favorite of the novels so far. I'm sure it's because the book stars Bigby Wolf (as in the Big Bad Wolf), and I might just have a bit of crush.

Without getting too spoilery for those who are thinking of reading the series, I'll just say that Bigby's been going through a rough time and has hidden himself away either to wallow in his troubles or to attempt to move on and start over. He's looking pretty haggard lately, as you can see in the scanned panel (click to enlarge it); or his expression may be the result of that empty bottle.

The book involves a string of adventures involving a diversity of beings from the Lilliputians to the giants of Jack and the Beanstalk fame. In this volume, unlike the previous novels, the action takes the Fable folk far from home, even all the way to Russia. We have spying, politics, and even a little romance, and as promised by the title, Bigby, Mowgli, and a couple of wolf packs play major roles.

Willingham has a team of artists, nine of whom worked on this volume. As always when reading a Fables book, it's very important to take the time to really look at the artwork; not only for the characters' expressions but also for the fun details.

The Tea: Last year when I was in Washington, DC for the National Book Festival and the Baltimore Book Festival, I visited a tea shop called Teaism with Julie from Booking Mama and Swapna from S. Krishna's Books. I loved their Keemun tea so much, I now keep a small supply on hand. Here's the description: "Perhaps the most important black tea from China with a slight smokiness and notes of sugar cane and red wine. Lower grades are often used in English Breakfast blends." Yes, I'm still drinking it black with no sweetener!

The Assessment: Umm, well, I don't really see Bigby as a tea-drinking kind of guy; strong black coffee would be more his style. On the other hand, I bet his real favorite drink doesn't involve caffeine at all (click on the scan for a hint). Time to buy him a new bottle and pour us both a mugful.

What About You? Our rain is back so I'm all about warm drinks and curling up with a good book. What are you reading today and have you discovered anything good to pour in your mug?

Wolves at Powell's
Wolves at Book Depository
These links lead to affiliate programs.

Thursday Tea was the brainchild of Anastasia at Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog.

Published by DC Comics / Vertigo, 2006
ISBN-13: 9781401210014
Source: Review (see review policy)
Rating: B+

Copyright © cbl for Beth Fish Reads, all rights reserved (see review policy)
FTC: I buy all teas myself, I am not a tea reviewer.


  1. I read this recently and quite agree with you, although the panel I loved best is better not shared as it would be a huge spoiler (I think you can imagine which one I am referring to). But I agree Bigby is not a tea-drinking kind of character. Nor a curling-up-with-a-good-book kind of character. :-)
    (Only iced tea would do around here yet!)

  2. It was difficult to share a panel without giving anything away -- This series is just fantastic.

  3. I'm probably more interested in the tea preview this week than the book! LOL!

  4. There is a Teaism shop in DC as well. I'll have to check out this tea you mention.

  5. I know several people who love the Fables series, but I'm not sure it's for me.

  6. I've only read the first of the Fables, but I loved it. I'm not sure why I haven't gotten back to them.

  7. I am pretty sure that I bought the first book in this series, and my children immediately absconded with it. I need to check on that. The tea I am loving right now is called Raspberry White Chocolate Truffle. It's a white tea, and has such a sweet and delicious flavor. It's like having a really wonderful dessert.

  8. I just bought the first Fables book - after reading bloggers like you and Kelly at The Written World who have raved over them. Can't wait to crack it open!

  9. I love how you're getting a crush on Bigby! He is such a great character to love.

  10. Perhaps an Irish Coffee is more his speed. :)


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