21 September 2011

Wordless Wednesday 148

Seeking Shelter from the Rain, 2011

Click to enlarge. For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.


  1. Great timing.
    How cute they look waiting so patiently. :)

  2. It's the birdie lineup! :)

  3. "Rain"? What's "Rain"? Oh, yeah, I remember now - I think I saw some of that not too long ago...

    Happy WW!


  4. What a great capture! There is one exit sign on a highway here in Orlando, that always has all the birds resting on it. There are none on any of the other nearby signs, just the one. They must have a secret about that location.

  5. I love they way they're lined up!

  6. very cute.
    I was driving 8 hrs. in the rain yesterday and it rained all the way...happy I was in a car.

  7. I love this image!

    My Wordless Wednesday is "Published Poet Sells His Poems". And I'd love to have you sign up for my contest to win a $25 Amazon giftcard this month at my blog!

  8. Oh this is adorable and hilarious. Love it!

  9. Heh. They are so cute, just chillin out and getting away from the rain. This is a cool photo.

  10. I love birds. Love the way they are sitting..

    I am taking part for the first time. Come check my Wordless Wednesday post!

  11. Ow I didn't know you also join wordless wednesday Beth :)

    I use my turtles' blog for my wordless wednesday and teaser tuesday still in my blog.

    That is a great shot...how often can you see that view

  12. You know how much I love birds, and this photo is darling!

  13. Love me some cute, fat, happy birds!

  14. The little sparrows are so much fun to watch. Cute shot catching them when they all lined up.

  15. How cute. I love how they're all lined up.

  16. It's a birdie coffee clatch! Fun shot Beth.

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  17. Love this shot! The lines are terrific with the angled roof line as well as the birds.

  18. I love this shot! I love how the birds are all sitting in a line - how cute!

  19. Lovely! You have an eye for such interesting shots.

  20. What an adorable scene to witness!

    -:¦:- WW: Love That Chicken From Popeyes -:¦:-

  21. Awwww, they are so cute! Sweet picture.

  22. This is a great photo! I love how they are facing all different ways. It just adds to the charm.

  23. Aww - very cool. Smart birds!

  24. A committee meeting, I am sure.
    Great one.

  25. How sweet are they! I was just looking at a line of birds on a wire the other day wondering why they are all facing the same way, is it a rule?

  26. I look at many of your photos and think "what a great jigsaw puzzle that would make!" A fun find.

  27. You live in such a beautiful natural area. It's pretty jealousy making!


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