07 September 2011

Wordless Wednesday 146

Chickadee, 2011

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  1. I have horrible trouble getting good bird photos. Not sure what my problem is, but this is one of my better ones -- this little guy perched on a branch above my deck and stayed still long enough for me to get a single shot. By the time I got the camera ready for shot no. 2, he had already flown off.

  2. Oh, look at his fat little tummy! He is beautiful. I've never been able to get a good bird picture. Camera is always somewhere else.

  3. Beautiful. I am lucky that I often get to see these little guys, finches and even woodpeckers at the feeders where I work.

  4. That is a great shot. He looks like he has had a good summer.

  5. Birds (especially little birds) can be very difficult to photograph - they tend to be skittish, and will take off without warning. I tend to try and use a longer telephoto lens for this type of shot, that keeps me from getting too close.

    That said, this is a nice shot - a little on the dark side, but very good, nonetheless.

    Happy WW!


  6. Ed T.: Thanks so much for the tips!

  7. Awwww, I just love chickadees. What a gorgeous shot!

  8. Oh my goodness--what a sweet, sweet photo!

  9. This is really such a great picture! The natural angle and the crispness are wonderful! Thanks for sharing it.

  10. what a fat little fellow..sweet.

  11. I adore chickadees! Terrific shot.

  12. I fully understand. :)
    Some are not willing models.
    This one definitely is a good capture.

  13. Awww, how cute! Great shot.
    Happy WW!

  14. Bird photos are tough. This one is wonderful!! Great job.

  15. I can usually get a chickadee to come near if I imitate his "dee, dee, dee." The problem is that I rarely have my camera with me. :) I'm sure everyone around here thinks I'm a nut case since I talk to all the birds and animals.

  16. How pretty. My daughter has been really into birds lately, but they don't seem to want to hold still long enough for her to get a photo.

  17. I have trouble with the chickadees because they are constantly in motion. It was nice of him to pose for you. You got a nice clear shot, just a little shadow on the eyes.

    I hide behind bushes, shrubs, chairs, whatever, so the birds don't see me and I use a 250mm zoom lens. It's really difficult with a regular lens so if that's what you used, that's a super shot.

  18. So THAT'S what a chickadee looks like! He's pretty cute.

  19. What a cutie :).

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  20. Nice shot! I love chickadees.

  21. I think this is an outstanding shot. You can see all his little birdie hairs sticking out. Very nice!

  22. Cute picture of the chickadee. Birds are indeed hard to photograph well.

    To your question, the photography show went quite well. Lots of people came through, and I got good comments, particularly on the more colorful ones. Thanks for asking about it!

  23. Your photo has me wishing we could pet birds....

  24. Such a little sweetie, obviously with a nice full tummy!

  25. Haha, I know what you mean - my last bird shot was of a DEAD bird - for once a target that didn´t budge :D

    this one is really charming.

  26. Either you have a really great zoom lens or he is really comfortable with you! Great shot. I think they are such cute birds.


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