22 September 2011

Thursday Tea: The Ape Who Guards the Balance by Elizabeth Peters

The Book: As I've mentioned here before, Elizabeth Peter's Amelia Peabody series is one of my favorite ways to escape into an audiobook. Barbara Rosenblat does such an amazing job narrating the series, I can't imagine listening to anyone else's voice when indulging in another escape to Egypt with Peabody and her family.

The Ape Who Guards the Balance (10th in the series) takes us back to the Valley of the Kings, where Amelia's husband, Emerson, hopes to find an undisturbed tomb. Of course the whole family is in tow for the 1907 season, including their son, Ramses, and their two wards, Nefret and David, all of whom are now young adults and (mostly) out from under the watchful eye of Amelia.

Emerson's archaeological fieldwork provides the setting, but the real story involves the illegal antiquities trade, murder, and the reintroduction of Amelia's archenemy, Sethos (The Master Criminal). The fantastic characters, good humor, and complex plotting keep me coming back. Read this series from book one.

The Tea: This week I've turned to an old favorite Stash Tea's Keenum Hao Ya. Here's the description: "The narrow, tightly twisted black leaves brew into a brilliant reddish-gold cup with a full-bodied fruity, sweet flavor and a unique orchid aroma. Keemun Hao Ya tastes wonderful without milk or sugar and goes exceptionally well with baked goods like breads and cakes and muffins." I've skipped the baked goods but still enjoy the tea.

The Assessment: It's the turn of the 20th century and the Emersons are British, which means they drink tea every day, even in the heat of the Valley of the Kings. Would they drink Keemun? Perhaps. I'm pretty sure they would be adding milk and sugar and would never skip a sweet treat.

What About You? It's fall here in the Northern Hemisphere and the weather will soon be perfect for staying inside curled up with a good book. What are you reading this week? Drinking anything interesting?

Thursday Tea was the brainchild of Anastasia at Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog.

Published by Avon, 1998 (various editions available)
ISBN-13: 9780380798568
Source: Bought (see review policy)
Rating: B

Copyright © cbl for Beth Fish Reads, all rights reserved (see review policy)
FTC: I buy all teas myself, I am not a tea reviewer.


  1. I haven't read anything in this series, but think the books sound rather intriguing. I also love Stash's teas. They only have a few varieties at the store where I shop, but I know that if I look hard enough, I could probably find so much more out there.

    We have a great little tea store here called Infusion Tea where they make and import custom and specialty teas. I will have to go down there and pick up something unique to send to you.

  2. I haven't read a book in this series for years, but don't know why - except that there are so many books, so little time you know. I think I would have to go back to the beginning. As for tea, I'm just thinking about trying new kinds. The next time I buy groceries, I'll get something new.

  3. I'm in a reading slump. The last six books I've opened just weren't my cup of tea, so I didn't finish. And speaking of tea, I'm going to Whole Foods to see what they have that I've yet to try.

    Happy Thurssday!

  4. It's been years since I read one the books in this series. I do remember enjoying them though!

  5. If her books are comforting, I am sure they are what I should be reading.

    I am reading Scottish noir, but I need something lighter to read, and something hot and strong to drink, as I seem to be coming down with something today :(

  6. I've never read Peters' but this sounds really interesting!

  7. I really should do a reread of the Amelia Peabody series from beginning to the current one, in audio! Peters is one of my favourite authors, although I do like her non-Peabody books more.

  8. This is next for me in this series. I love these audiobooks. I need to get this one from the library so it'll be on my ipod when the mood strikes. Sethos is back? Cool!

  9. Oh the tea sounds delightful! And I have to agree with Heather! My parents live very close to Infusion Tea. That place is a dream.

  10. Stop evil one! How am I going to invest in another series? One with 10 books? This makes me crazy, in a very good way.

  11. One of these days I am going to read this series. It is just so long...

  12. I worked with a former truck driver a few years ago who RAVED about these audiobooks. I don't think my library has them, though, so that's not going to happen. =/


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