05 September 2011

R.I.P.: A Fall Tradition

If you love mysteries, paranormal, horror, suspense, dark fantasy, gothic, supernatural or anything else somewhat related you can join Carl's sixth R.I.P. challenge. Just click on the link, which will take you to the correct post on his blog Stainless Steel Droppings.

This is one of those utterly fun challenges that is hardly a challenge but has become an annual event I look forward to (even though I somehow forgot to sign up in 2010). Here's proof in Carl's own words:
The emphasis is never on the word challenge, instead it is about coming together as a community and embracing the autumnal mood, whether the weather is cooperative where you live or not.
I don't do spooky, but I do do mystery, so I'm signing up. I'm committing to the Peril the Second level, which means I plan to read two R.I.P. books from September 1 to October 31. Easy, peasy!

Thanks, Carl, for this great blogging tradition.


  1. I signed up for the same level. I'm going to try and do "creepy" this year -- but not too scary. Looking forward to your reviews!

  2. Glad this is one you enjoy as well. I think it's perfect for transitioning into fall.

  3. I was part of this challenge last year, but am not sure I'm going to participate this year. I've been doing so badly on my 2011 challenges that I feel bad joining another!

  4. I always hesitate to join challenges because I never get them completed, but this one doesn't sound that hard, and I may well end up reading two books of this genre anyway, so this is something to think about. Thanks for sharing it, and good luck to you!

  5. I've always loved the banners for this challenge -- that alone (like a good book cover) draws me!

  6. I've been an anti-challenge girl this year, but I always must do RIP. It is so easy, I don't even have to try. Fall is here!

  7. Ah... left out again. It's hard to be such a coward in my reading choices. ;-)

  8. I look forward to hearing about what you read for the challenge!

  9. I've seen a bunch of people signing up for this. I'm going to have to do so as well!

  10. I'm glad you said it's not much of a challenge, because I signed up for this too, but didn't want to say that it wasn't really going to be a challenge for me. I wanted to keep that secret and then show off all the books that I read.

    But yes, it's easy!:-)

  11. I'm glad you said it's not much of a challenge, because I signed up for this too, but didn't want to say that it wasn't really going to be a challenge for me. I wanted to keep that secret and then show off all the books that I read.

    But yes, it's easy!:-)

  12. Congratulations and good luck!

  13. Im not too much of a fan if all out horror, but do enjoy a good old fashion gothic story! Have fun reading!

  14. I've never committed to this challenge, but I do have some spooky books lined up for Sept. and Oct. Hmmm. I'm reading Stephen King's IT with Anna, but that runs through Dec. so that won't count.

  15. Yayyy, RIP VI! This is my very favorite challenge. Can't wait to dig into more books for this one.

  16. I'll do a little bit spooky. I signed up for Peril the Second too. I already started my first spooky book, The Lantern.

  17. I'm really tempted, especially since have some scary books in my TBR pile.

  18. every year I think about doing this challenge and don't because I have too many other challenges. I need to save room for it next year. Good luck!


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