24 August 2011

Wordless Wednesday 144

Caught in a Web, 2011

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  1. Very cool! Spiderwebs definitely freak me out a little bit, but you've got to be impressed with those spinning skills.

  2. Oh, I love this! My husband has a serious fear of spiders but I sort of think they're cool.

  3. Great Shot!

    I am not that keen on spiders, but it is usually my job to remove them from the house.

    I think that their ability to spin such lovely intricate webs is amazing and their tenacity is even more impressive when a web is damaged, they are out there immediately all set to make repairs.

    The best time to really get a good look at the web, is a little later in the year, when the first light frosts appear. The web then takes on a beauty all its own.

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. Nicely captured. I really dislike spiders, but their webs are fascinating.

  5. Wow, what a shot. Fascinating.
    Happy WW!

  6. Nice capture. Amazing the amount of work that goes into building a web like that.

  7. excellent! isn't it amazing a bug makes that?

  8. I am not a fan of spiders. This web is cool looking but the spider that must have created has to have been huge. Yikes!

  9. How funny we both did webs! Your spider has been very busy! Mine had only caught one and I saw him do it. They sure move fast when the catch something. It was kinda creepy. lol

  10. Nice bokeh on this shot. At first, I thought "that's an odd pattern for a cracked window."

    Happy WW!

  11. You have to admire their beautiful work! Great shot.

  12. For some reason this is creepy

  13. LOL--first Heather's web and now yours. And they're both just as lovely as can be!

  14. Oh, I love this photo! The web is so intricate and perfect! Great shot!

  15. Every spider web is a miracle to me - so strange that they can make a pattern like that, and they do it so fast it makes your head spin.

  16. If I had to add a word, I can't decide if it would be eueueueu, or gorgeous! LOL

  17. We love to watch spider webs like this at night - they're just fascinating.

  18. This is a fantastic capture.

  19. Looks so delicate and lacy against the background. Nice!

  20. Love it ... yet another wonderful shot! The moment I saw the web I thought of Matilda in Thelma Rae's garden.

  21. What's up with you and Heather and the spider webs? Creepy!

  22. Ah, that one would make a cool book cover!

  23. I love spider webs. Great shot. Very nice bokeh.

  24. This is great. We've found that spider webs can be difficult to shoot. And I wonder what caused the huge hole in the middle!


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