17 August 2011

Wordless Wednesday 143

Butterfly on Butterfly Bush, 2011

For full effect, click to enlarge. For more Wordless Wednesday click here.


  1. Lovely Monarch... and how nice of him to pose for you. I haven't seen many of them this year.

  2. very nice. so sharp, great composition.

  3. Lovely! Totally cheers me up.

  4. Love this beautiful photo! Such vivid detail.

  5. Wow, simply beautiful. One of our favorite spots to go is about an hour south of the city and it has an incredible butterfly sanctuary. They are just so amazing to watch.

  6. Beautiful butterfly, Beth!

    Happy WW!


  7. I've never taken a photo of a butterfly that I loved. How did you take this one?!

    Here's my wordless post for this weekWordless Wednesday: Subway. And don't forget to sign up for the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  8. Lovely photo ~ well done ~ thanks ^_^ Carol
    New post @ http://www.acreativeharbor.com/ ~ enjoy ^_^

  9. Beautiful! It makes me think of the book The Butterfly's Daughter.

  10. I have been enjoying watching the Monarchs. I've yet to get a good picture. Your picture is beautiful.

  11. Oh my, this is such a beautiful photo.

  12. If you ever get tired of editing, I know something else you could do for a living...

  13. That is just a beautiful picture. Butterflies are my very favorite animals.

  14. Beautiful! It reminds me of childhood, when we would see the monarchs every year. Now that this area is more developed, I don't see as many butterflies. :-(

  15. Pretty! I love butterfly bushes. Mine are very sad looking right now due to the drought.

  16. My favorite insect. It will be time for the monarch migration to come my way soon.

  17. So it's true, butterflies to love butterfly bushes!
    Gorgeous capture!
    Happy WW!

  18. Great shot! I have a hard time photographing butterflies. They fly away everytime I get near them...even with a zoom lens. Good job.

  19. Incredible shot! I'm another one who hasn't seen many butterflies of any kind this year, so this was a real treat!

  20. You get the most amazing shots! Beautiful picture.

  21. stunning - a little color goes a long way!

  22. Lovely! My husband took a bunch of butterfly photos this morning and I might be posting them soon.


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