06 August 2011

Weekend Cooking: I Like Killing Flies

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, fabulous quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page. For more information, see the welcome post.

Although I love going out to eat in New York, I usually count on my friends to give me restaurant suggestions. Some of the best places are often small, informal, and known only to locals.

The 2004 documentary I Like Killing Flies by Matt Mahurin focuses on Kenny Shopsin, owner/cook of a small Greenwich Village eatery called Shopsin's. Kenny is quite the individual, but despite his sometimes cantankerous manner, he has had decades of faithful customers.
In this quirky documentary, filmmaker Matt Mahurin peers into Shopsin's, a hole-in-the-wall Greenwich Village restaurant that's been dutifully serving comfort food to satisfied customers for more than 30 years. Lording over the eatery is hilarious, ersatz philosopher/owner Kenny Shopsin, who caters to his regulars while dispensing tough love with his okra chowder. And he's just as likely to throw his customers out as he is to take their orders.
I wonder how many people watched this film and then decided they had to eat at Shopsin's. Great documentary for foodies and fans of the oddities of New York City.

I found this little video on Kenny and Shopsin's on YouTube. It made me hungry!

There a slightly different snippet on Netflix, which you can see by clicking here.


  1. I think I might be afraid at a place I might get thrown out of.

  2. Interesting, although I probably won't be eating in New York any time soon. I watched a foodie movie for my Weekend Cooking this week too.

  3. I've seen alot of foodie documentaries, but I've never heard of this one. I am going to see if the library has this one. We discontinued our Netflix account last year, and all the Blockbusters around us have closed, so I rely on the library alot for movie rentals. I sure hope they have this one :)
    How does the title relate to the movie?

  4. Sounds like the "soup Nazi" from Seinfeld!

  5. I never heard of him before. I only know Gordon Ramsay, but I guess this person is even more rude?

  6. I hadn't heard of this film! I read/reviewed Shopsin's EAT ME a few years ago, but passed it along in a giveaway ... there were some "unusual" recipes in there!

  7. I loved the book, Eat Me, would have loved to go to the place. Quirky, I guess. Have to check out the film!
    I didn't get to play this week's Weekend Cooking, taking a break.

  8. That video made me laugh out loud! It wasn't what I was expecting at all. What a wonderful character he would make in a novel!

  9. I like his position on serving a meal that his customer complained about (and rightfully so) and think that he probably takes every meal that goes out of his kitchen really seriously. I think I might want to rent this one.

  10. He kind of makes me think of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld.

  11. This would be interesting. If I were in New York, I would probably want to check it out.

    Glad to be back with a post after missing you all for the past month.

  12. Okra chowder? That sounds kind of tasty.

  13. The video clip was great. Now I have to see the movie. Thanks for telling us about it.

  14. Beth you reviewed another movie a few months ago about food-I tried to find but could not-do you remember the title?


  15. Well, that was different! I was thinking "Soup Nazi" too! Will have to see if I can find this video, my husband would love it!

  16. Interesting food. Funny, I thought of the soup nazi too!

  17. "Not that we have high standards..." Ha ha! There's a line to inspire confidence.

  18. I'm not much of a foodie. I tend to be a girl that thinks ignorance is bliss when it comes to the inner workings of a restaurant's kitchen.

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  20. That looks great! I love food documentaries.

  21. The title caught my attention straight away! I'm pleased to see that you enjoyed watching it too. I'm always looking for good documentaries so I'll add it to my rental queue.


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