28 September 2010

Today's Read: Hush by Eishes Chayil

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 “teaser” sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

Devory, can you hear me?

It's hard to write a letter to the dead. It is easier to talk with you directly, as if we are having a real conversation. Sometimes, though, writing is strangely reassuring. When I finish the letter to you I fold the paper into an envelope, tape it shut, and drop it into the mailbox. There is no address on it, no stamp, or anything. It's just a small, white letter, and I can pretend it gets to you. (p. 4)
—From Hush by Eishes Chayil. This quotation comes from an uncorrected advance review copy and may not match the published book. For more about this novel, please see the Bloomsbury Kids / Walker website. (Source: review, see review policy.)

Hush at Powell's
Hush at Book Depository
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Belinda 9/28/10, 1:03 AM  

Interesting teaser. I totally relate to the mailing a letter and hoping it gets to the person. I would leave voice messages. Thakns for sharing :)

Come by and see the Teaser I chose

Pam Pho 9/28/10, 1:40 AM  

This book is so powerful. I read and reviewed it a while back. Loved the inside look on the Jewish community.

Veens 9/28/10, 3:48 AM  

Wow, I like the quote a lot!

Sandy Nawrot 9/28/10, 6:33 AM  

That is a powerful excerpt!

Marg 9/28/10, 8:05 AM  

Sounds like a very moving read.

Thanks for visiting my teaser

Julie P. 9/28/10, 8:32 AM  

The entire book is pretty powerful and definitely gives you a lot to think about!

Kristin 9/28/10, 8:43 AM  

Interesting teaser...might have to check this one out.

Here's my teaser.

bermudaonion 9/28/10, 9:18 AM  

You've piqued my interest for sure!

Harvee44 9/28/10, 9:45 AM  

Very interesting tease. What a way to relate to the dead! Here's my teaser.

Heather 9/28/10, 11:00 AM  

What an intriguing and powerful opening. Thanks for visiting!

Alayne 9/28/10, 11:12 AM  

Great teaser... it really grabs you. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

Deepali 9/28/10, 11:21 AM  

Thats is powerful!
I'm reading Banned Books this week.
I also have an International Giveaway - Win Any Book of choice for $15 and read my Teaser at e-Volving Books

E.J. Stevens 9/28/10, 12:09 PM  

I've often wondered about this kind of dead letter. Does someone at the post office eventually open and read it? If so, what do they think of its contents? Great teaser! My TT from Linger is here.

From the Shadows

justpeachy36 9/28/10, 12:40 PM  

Great teaser... very interesting.

here's mine for the week:


Heather 9/28/10, 12:41 PM  

This sounds terribly sad :(

Check mine out at:
My Teaser

Alyce 9/28/10, 1:02 PM  

Oh, that sounds very sad.

sablelexi 9/28/10, 9:02 PM  

That quote is very powerful, and easy to relate to, too.

This week my teaser is from "The Invisible Order: Rise of the Darklings" and can be found here.

Also while you are there, please check out my Halloween Giveaway.

Michelle 9/29/10, 6:22 AM  

I've heard this is a powerful read, I hope you are enjoying it.

Meg @ write meg! 9/29/10, 4:11 PM  

I've heard good things about Hush! Cool teaser.

Alice 10/5/10, 8:00 PM  

I don't know why, but I tear up just a little reading this. It does give me an idea that I could do that. Very nice teaser.

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