28 April 2010

Wordless Wednesday #76

Water Tower (Schoonhoven, The Netherlands)

For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.


Melody 4/28/10, 3:46 AM  

Wow, simply beautiful!

LifeRamblings 4/28/10, 5:00 AM  

what a lovely tower. Happy WW!

BK 4/28/10, 6:00 AM  

What a magnificent tower!

Sandy Nawrot 4/28/10, 6:10 AM  

I would almost expect to see a damsel looking out of one of the top windows, yearning for her love to come save her!

TBM 4/28/10, 6:13 AM  

Beautiful! And I agree with Sandy: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so that I may climb the golden stair!

caite 4/28/10, 7:12 AM  

What a beautiful building.
I always think, when you see lovely building like this, how different the mindset that led people to build things like this instead of some plainer structure.

DanaB 4/28/10, 7:28 AM  

Splendid shot! The building stands out in such relief against the sky...wow.


Beth 4/28/10, 7:54 AM  

That has got to be the prettiest water tower I've ever seen!

Queen Bug 4/28/10, 8:18 AM  

It's definitely the prettiest water tower that I've seen!

bermudaonion 4/28/10, 8:41 AM  

Wow, what a beautiful water tower!

Heather 4/28/10, 11:11 AM  

Thats gorgeous! I agree, looks perfect for Rapunzel!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening 4/28/10, 11:57 AM  

Very cool! I'd love to climb to the top of that thing and peek out the upper windows. I'll bet it's a fab view.

Carver 4/28/10, 1:49 PM  

What a beautiful water tower. I'm so used to plain ones and this is so beautiful architecturally.

Margot 4/28/10, 2:10 PM  

It's not the kind of water towers I'm used to seeing in the midwest. This one is beautiful.

Ingrid 4/28/10, 3:44 PM  

Wow ! that's a very beautiful tower !

Robin 4/28/10, 4:08 PM  

All that for a water tower? Europeans are so cool...

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SandyCarlson 4/28/10, 8:39 PM  

That's a neat one. Water tower. That explains why the top is so big.

The Mind of a Mom 4/28/10, 10:26 PM  

We have 3D puzzles here and this looks like it would make a wonderful puzzle!
Thanks for stopping by my blog home today it was nice to see you

Debbie 4/28/10, 10:45 PM  

What a great shot.

Anonymous,  4/28/10, 11:19 PM  

Of course, Europe has cool looking water towers. And we have ugly water tanks.

kayerj 4/29/10, 1:01 AM  

I've never heard of or seen such a thing--how interesting

TexasRed 4/29/10, 12:15 PM  

I agree -- perfect for a fairy tale illustration!

Dianne - Bunny Trails 4/30/10, 12:29 AM  

What a beautiful capture! Very nice.

Vic | UPrinting Coupons 4/30/10, 3:38 AM  

If there were no caption I would have thought this was taken from a movie set. Reminds me of Rapunzel's tower.

Alice 5/2/10, 6:30 AM  

Very fairy tale-like!

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