Thursday Tea: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien
I am still listening to J. R. R. Tolkien's The Return of the King. Right now, everyone is involved in crisis: Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas are leading reinforcements to Gondor; Merry is with the Rohirrim on the battlefield; Pippin and Gandolf are in the city fighting and trying to save Faramir from his father's insanity; and Sam is trying to save Frodo from the Orcs. Yeah, Tolkien has us on the edge of our seats wondering who will live and who will die. Okay, so I already know the outcome, but that doesn't make it less exciting.
The Tea. I opened a tin of Harney & Son's Cranberry Autumn, which I bought a few months ago but hadn't yet tried. Here's the description: "Dried cranberry and orange bits are blended with handpicked black teas from China and India producing a full-bodied brew as delicious as its scent.'' The company is correct; the aroma is heavenly, and the taste is not disappointing. I'm going to be trying it iced over the next month or so. I am still drinking hot tea in the afternoon, even though the temperatures have been close to 80°F.
The Assessment. At this point, I don't think the characters would care what tea they were given. Even an elf might be thankful for just a few minutes of quiet time with a warm drink, something sweet to eat, and good company. Unfortunately, no one is going to be enjoying tea for a while yet.
What about you? No matter which hemisphere you're in, the seasons are changing. So tell, me, what are drinking now? And what are reading or listening to this week?
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Thursday Tea is hosted by Anastasia at Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog. Here's how it works: Tell us what tea you are drinking (and if you like it). And then tell us what book are you reading (and if you like it). Finally, tell us if they go together.
FTC: I buy all teas myself, I am not a tea reviewer.
The links lead to the Del Rey editions, but there are many available.
That tea sounds yummy ;0)
I'm drinking Summer Love here:
I drink hot tea year-round. I love it! Though it does get some loos when I ask for it in restaurants. I have been skeptical of the cranberry teas I've had. It sounds like the orange might set it off just right and I think it will be lovely iced.
I'm all out of my caffeine-free Good Earth tea right now. *pout* So no tea for me.
have I mentioned I love having Thursday tea with you? You are right at this point in the story Tolkien definatley has us on the edge of our seats wondering who will live or die. I tried to read it slowly with the group--but Tolkien sets such a pace I finished it all up before March was over.
for Lent, I gave up all beverages except water...and I will say I missed tea terribly.
I am so happy Lent is over and I can have a nice cuppa..any sort of tea.
Your tea sounds delicious. One of the best things about tea, for me, is the aroma. I like to hold it under my nose and just breathe it in.
Your descriptions of tea always make me wish I were a tea drinker. I'm drinking water - I know, boring.
That sounds delicious. Harney and Sons has only disappointed me with one flavor so far.
I love tea. I think I love it!
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