19 November 2009

Thursday Tea: Watching Sense & Sensibility

As part of the Everything Austen Challenge hosted by Stephanie's Written Word, I want to take a look at the film versions of Sense and Sensibility. I think this is my second favorite Austen book (Pride & Prejudice is my favorite).

The BBC actually produced two versions of S&S. The first was released in 1971 and is available to rent. I've seen it, but I don't really remember what I thought of it. The 1981 BBC production starred Irene Richard and Tracey Childs as the elder Dashwood sisters. This is a rather melodramatic version, as you can see from this example from episode 4. I couldn't find a shorter clip, but there is no reason to watch it all. In fact the entire TV miniseries is a bit hard to take.

The next version was the Hollywood film starring Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, and Alan Rickman. This is a really nice film, and I've seen it many, many times. Unfortunately, I think that Hugh Grant is just terrible in this movie, although I love the other actors.

My favorite version so far is the PBS Masterpiece Classic production from 2008. It was wonderfully acted and beautifully filmed. If you haven't seen it, you should consider renting it. Here is the trailer for the first part.

And just for fun, here's the trailer for the new book Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters.

The Tea. I'm drinking the decaf version of Stash Tea's Double Bergamont Earl Grey Tea. It is "a great late afternoon or early evening tea. It goes very well with shortbread and cream scones." I love Early Grey and this is one of the better blends.

The Assessment. I can easily see the Dashwoods drinking Earl Grey Tea, even in their reduced circumstances after they move to their cottage. I'd say I have a good match this week.

Have you seen and of the Sense and Sensibility movies? Are you going to read the Sea Monsters book? Next week is the last installment in my Austen on film series.

Thursday Tea is hosted by Anastasia at Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog. Here's how it works: Tell us what tea you are drinking (and if you like it). And then tell us what book are you reading (and if you like it). Finally, tell us if they go together.

Source: Rented (see review policy).
FTC: I buy all teas myself, I am not a tea reviewer.
Challenges: Everything Austen


Nise' 11/19/09, 8:10 AM  

I love the 08 Masterpiece Classic version as well. I am planning on reading S & S and Sea Monsters but the book trailer has me wanting to read it now~

Whitney 11/19/09, 9:33 AM  

The only one I've seen of the three is the version with Kate Winslet. I always thought Hugh Grant was okay, although he is competing with Alan Rickman... Actually the character I've always had the biggest problem with is Emma Thompson, she's much to old to play Elinor.
The '08 Masterpiece adaption looks good too, I will have to check that out!

Serena 11/19/09, 10:11 AM  

I agree Hugh Grant is horrible in that version of S&S! I really loved the PBS Masterpiece Classic production from 2008! I watched it during their running of all things Austen. Its my favorite of all the S&S movies as well.

A Buckeye Girl Reads 11/19/09, 11:16 AM  

I agree with you about Hugh Grant being awful in this movie-but I loved everyone else. One of these days I'm going to have to watch another version of it!

Anastasia @ Here There Be Books 11/19/09, 11:44 AM  

I have S & S & Seamonsters on my to-read list (and I actually have a copy), but I'm not sure if I should read the original first and THEN S&S&SM or if it doesn't matter and I should just go ahead and read S&S&SM.

Maybe I'll just read both and then compare them. Gah!

JoAnn 11/19/09, 1:25 PM  

My plan is to skip the sea monsters (need to read zombies first) and watch the BBC movie version. It's part of a boxed set my husband gave me for Christmas a year or two ago.

OF SPRING AND SUMMER 11/19/09, 1:26 PM  

Hi, I thought you might be interested in this - unless you already know about it! Books and Coffee!!

bermudaonion 11/19/09, 3:56 PM  

I love the S & S movie starring Emma Thompson and you've made me really curious about the Masterpiece Classic version.

Dorte H 11/19/09, 4:48 PM  

What a good idea to review the different film versions! My daughters and I love Jane Austen, but we don´t want melodramatic soap.

Julie P. 11/19/09, 5:03 PM  

I keep telling myself that I need to watch these movies, but I never seem to get around to it.

I love that tea!

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) 11/19/09, 7:12 PM  

I like the movie version of this so much more than the book. Marianne and Willoughby in the book just annoy me so. That's why I can't wait to get into S&S Sea Monsters. I keep hoping that one of them will be eaten.

Melody 11/19/09, 7:17 PM  

I loved P&P and Persuasion, and enjoyed Northanger Abbey but haven't read the rest. I need to get to them soon!

Heidenkind 11/19/09, 7:35 PM  

My favorite version is the 2008 Masterpiece Classic one, too. That one was very well-done. I've never been a fan of Ang Lee's movies, and his S&S is no exception--but Alan Rickman is absolutely delicious in it. :)

Kim Allen-Niesen 11/19/09, 11:19 PM  

Loved the Emma Thomas version, hard to see an Austen movie without her, but I think the Masterpiece Theatre version is the perfect weekend movie with my tweener daughter!

Veens 11/20/09, 3:48 AM  

I have this book in my TBR and I am sure I want to read it. But with classics I think I like watching the movies :)

I never knew about so many versions, but I am sure I will watch your fav version if I can get it here!

I love your movie posts, tells me about so many versions of a movie that I never knew!

caite 11/20/09, 7:08 AM  

I don't think that I have ever seen the 2008 version..I will have to check that one out.

As to your tea choice, I too am a huge Earl Gray fan. Double Bergamont, oh my! ;-)

Are there really tea reviewers? I want that job....lol

Anonymous,  11/20/09, 5:11 PM  

The only one I've seen is the Thompson/Winslet film. I thought Hugh did okay, but I never really cared much for Edward in the book, so he exceeded my expectations.
Thanks for comparing the many movie versions.

Margot 11/21/09, 2:42 AM  

I've always thought the Emma Thompson version was so good but now you've made me add the Masterpiece Theatre version tp NetFlix queue. E really do love S & S, almost as much as P & P.

Anonymous,  11/21/09, 6:32 AM  

I loved the Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson version. The Soundtrack was great too.

That book trailer definitely makes me want to get the Sea Monsters book :)

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