16 September 2009

BBAW: Brevity Game and Giveaway

It's midweek already! Today's BBAW meme is this:

We encourage you to be creative with this! Please choose one or two questions to answer or try to answer all the questions in five words or less. Or choose a picture to answer a question! Brevity is the goal of today

Ha! I'm not really know for my brevity, but I'll try. Here are questions asked by the BBAW committee:

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
⇒ Not usually, sometimes fruit

Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
⇒ Use sticky notes, not pencil

How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears?
⇒ Bookmarks

Laying the book flat open?
⇒ Never

Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
⇒ Both

Hard copy or audiobooks?
⇒ Either

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point?
⇒ Chapter or space break

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
⇒ Mark for later

What are you currently reading?
Between Me and the River

What is the last book you bought?
Rashi's Daughters: Joheved

Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time?
⇒ Multiple

Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?
⇒ Deck, afternoon; couch, evening (winter)

Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?
⇒ Either but love series

Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?
⇒ Currently Willow; subject to change

How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?)
⇒ Organize?


I have a giveaway every day this week. The winner of today's giveaway will get three finished books that embrace brevity: The Lake That Stole Children by Douglas Glenn Clark, Wally the Walking Fish by Gary Lamit, and Fairy Hunters, Ink. by Sheila A. Dane. To win these three short children's/middle reader books, all you have to do is leave a comment here telling me (1) your email address and (2) the title and author of one of your favorite children's books. If your comment is missing this information, I can't count your entry. This giveaway is open all week and I'll pick a winner (via random.org) on Saturday, September 19 soon after I turn on my computer. There is still time to enter Monday's and Tuesday's giveaways.


Heather 9/16/09, 6:28 AM  

Great answers! I put Suzanne Collins, but could just as easily put Willow. Such a powerful book.

I would love to win, I think my kids would love those books. capriciousreader [at] gmail [dot] com.

I devoured the Laura Ingalls Wilder books when I was a kid; I went through two sets! So she's definitely my favorite.

Beth,  9/16/09, 8:06 AM  

Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me. My fav is Junie B Jones. My little guys just started reading them and I forgot how cute they are.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Nise' 9/16/09, 8:10 AM  

Great job on the short answers! I've got Willow on its way!

Bunny B 9/16/09, 8:17 AM  

I don't like laying a book flat open either!

I'd love to win these books. My fave book when I was a kid was Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.

bunnybx at gmail . com

Trisha 9/16/09, 9:17 AM  

I tried snacking on fruit while reading and my pages got all sticky, so I stick with pretzels these days. :) I guess I'm a messy eater! I couldn't quite make brevity interesting so I ended up completing my quick list in pictures.

Pam 9/16/09, 9:24 AM  

I love Bear Snores On by Jane Chapman.

melacan at hotmail dot com

gautami tripathy 9/16/09, 9:31 AM  

Interesting book you are reading.

Please count me in for the giveaway.

My favourite children book is the The Adventures of the Wishing Chair by Enid Blyton.


BBAW: Reading meme

Shawntele 9/16/09, 10:13 AM  

Fun giveaway! We have two favorite, so worn out childrens books in our house, one is Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, and the other is Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Popular titles, but our faves none the less. My email is savedbygrace7215(at)yahoo(dot)com

Margot at Joyfully Retired 9/16/09, 10:29 AM  

Good job on brief answers. Ahh, brevity is hard to do.

Too many favorites so I'll go with my sentimental choice: Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.

margot DOT peck AT gmail DOT com

Meghan 9/16/09, 10:39 AM  

Great answers, the last one especially! I'm actually a little amazed by how many bloggers don't have an organization system for books. I think we just have too many!

Josette 9/16/09, 11:04 AM  

I am going to do that meme! :) (I love the idea of snacking while eating.)

Please count me in your giveaway.

1) josettebooks[at]yahoo[dot]com
2) The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon.


Marie 9/16/09, 12:27 PM  

Well, as a kid I loved all the Farley books (Black Stallion series) -- read every one of them. Also read all the Little House books. My kids are not quite old enough for those yet but they love anything by Rosemary Wells.


Anonymous,  9/16/09, 12:29 PM  

I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks!
One of my favourite children's books and the author is Dr Seuss's ABC by Dr Seuss. My boys loved that when they were little.

Gayle 9/16/09, 12:56 PM  

I am a big fan of the Knuffle Bunny books by Mo Willems. My daughters love them. Thanks! gweiswasser@gmail.com

Belle 9/16/09, 1:11 PM  

I said the same thing about organizing :)

Fairy Hunters, Ink - what a great name! My favorite children's book is Emily of New Moon. Or A Wrinkle in Time. Or Half Magic. Or ...

Email: put msbookishreviews in front of @gmail.com

mrsshukra 9/16/09, 1:15 PM  

One of our all time favorites is Tomie de Paola's Strega Nona books!


Unknown 9/16/09, 1:33 PM  


I adore any Judy Blume title (Deenie being a personal fav), but for a younger audience, I can't help falling in love with the Scaredy Squirrel books!

Unknown 9/16/09, 2:04 PM  

Please don't enter me in the giveaway. i just wanted to say that you are doing a good job recommending Willow. I just got it and it's waiting on my iPod to be listened to.

Unknown 9/16/09, 3:35 PM  

Another multiple book reader. :) I don't know how people can only read one book at once, I need a book for commuting and work, a book for the living room, a book to read at night...

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) 9/16/09, 3:49 PM  

You are so good with the fruit. I don't usually snack and read but if I do I go for the popcorn.

Lenore Appelhans 9/16/09, 4:21 PM  

Figures I would disregard the instructions on this one. I so have a problem with authority!

S. Krishna 9/16/09, 4:51 PM  

No need to enter me, but you really stuck to the 5 word limit! I tried but I definitely went over on some of the answers!

Robin M 9/16/09, 5:49 PM  

I tried eating an apple while reading - once was enough. You've just about sold me on Willow.

Nancye 9/16/09, 6:00 PM  

I love The Junie B. Jones books (I like the whole series!-- the best one was: "Junie B. Jones is a Party Animal by Barbara Park; I also love Judy Blume (The Pain and the Great One)

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Debs Desk 9/16/09, 6:59 PM  

Favorite childrens book was Charlotte's Web. Please include me in your giveaway.

Carol H Rasco 9/16/09, 7:33 PM  

Truly comforting to find someone else who doesn't have a scientific and complicated organizational scheme for her books! Thanks for sharing your reading habits.

Lady Araujo 9/16/09, 7:46 PM  

I liked to read The Magician's Nephew - Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis - when I was a child (I still enjoying reading them.

Thanks for this giveaway.

Marcie 9/16/09, 8:06 PM  

What a great site you have here! Thank-you for your visit today..your sweet comments. Will be back here often!!!

holdenj 9/16/09, 8:15 PM  

Please count me in!
One of my favorite kid books is Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace. The series grows right along with you! Thanks.

Jenners 9/16/09, 9:51 PM  

Well you did better than I did on the brevity game. Your answer to where you like to read sounded almost like a poem!

Anonymous,  9/16/09, 9:56 PM  

Not entering, but great job on the brevity. :-D

Carrie K. 9/16/09, 11:34 PM  

Two of my favorite children's books are From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and Witch of Blackbird Pond.

Great giveaway - I think my kids would really like these books!

nnjmom at yahoo dot com

Llehn 9/17/09, 12:30 AM  

My fav book has got to be Horton Hatches An Egg by Dr. Suess.


Anonymous,  9/17/09, 4:45 AM  

Am I the only one who doesn't note down or stick a note to passages in a book? I usually go back after reading the book and try to remember where I had read a certain thing. Maybe I should use sticky notes too.

And...what an awesome giveaway Beth. I never read when I was a kid so I love reading children's books even now. Does Anne of Green Gables count as a children's book? I read Island of the blue Dolphin by Scott O. Neal and liked it.

Please enter me elizascott2005 at yahoo dot co dot in

Simply Stacie 9/17/09, 5:58 AM  

Beatrix Potter and Robert Munsch are great children's authors.


Julie P. 9/17/09, 7:46 AM  

Don't enter me! I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in being unorganized!

Michelle 9/17/09, 9:24 AM  

Ha! I pretty much answered the same way for the organization question. But in my mind lack of organization is still a valid form.

Right? Right?

Book Dragon 9/17/09, 10:38 AM  

great answers, I couldn't do it ive words or less. I organize the same way you do!

oooo, I just pulled out one to re-read. The Secret Horse by Marion Holland. Not just a copy of one of my favorites but the same book I read way back when!

bookdragonslair at gmail dot com

Jonnie (JB) 9/17/09, 12:37 PM  

My favorite childrens book is Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. It is almost impossible to read this book to your child and not cry.

Anonymous,  9/17/09, 12:55 PM  


I discovered my favorite child's book with my daughter.

The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch.

e-mail: Fionnalas@aol.com


Alice 9/17/09, 10:57 PM  

I'm having lots of trouble organizing my books too. Mostly, the problem is due to space and ever increasing TBR pile. Oh dear...

Allison 9/18/09, 12:24 AM  

I love your answers to todays questions! My fav childrens author from when I grew up was Gertrude Warner..she wrote The Boxcar Children series...I loved those books!!
Please enter me!!

allisonsattic at gmail dot com

Veens 9/18/09, 3:38 AM  

God that was real fast:)

I just read you are the best NEW BLOG AROUND! so true! I am so glad you won ;) I voted :) :)

Now now... it has to be Enid Blyton :) - my fav ... i can't remember anyone else :)

Enter me - givingreadingachance AT gmail.com

MarionG 9/18/09, 6:05 PM  

Hi I love you forever by Robert Munsch is my favorite children's book. Please include me in your draw.
Cheers. polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail *dot* com

Lucyinthesky,  9/19/09, 12:13 AM  

Thanks for the chance to win these books. My fave to read to my kids was always
The Velveteen Rabbit by margery Williams.

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

beth 9/19/09, 2:07 AM  

mitcham.beth AT gmail DOT com

I love Diana Wynne Jones, especially Howl's Moving Castle, but all her stuff is great.

Natasha @ Maw Books 9/19/09, 10:53 PM  

I'm enjoying reading these meme's. I must be the only person to lay their books flat open.

Janet 9/20/09, 10:33 AM  

One of my favorite children book is I'm a Happy Hugglewug by Niamh Sharkey.
Thank you,


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