17 June 2009

Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge: Sign Up

Welcome to the Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge!

Here's your chance to catch up on Sookie and all her friends -- living and undead, fully human and not.

It's easy, it's fun, it's for you! And you have an entire year to complete the challenge.

The Rules:

1. Between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010, catch up on Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire series. No matter if you're starting with book 1 or book 8, you have a year to read all about Sookie. Read Sookie in print, listen to the audio, read an eBook -- format is not an issue.

2. Sign up using Mr. Linky. Put your name in the top box. For the bottom box, please use the URL that links specifically to your blog post about this challenge, not to your blog's home page.

3. After July 4, I'll create a post with another Mr. Linky where you can link your reviews so everyone can read them track your progress.

4. If you don't have a blog and want to join in, sign up in the comments here. Later, let us know about your progress by leaving comments on the review link page.

EDIT: You can join any time during the course of the challenge.

The Books:

Dead Until Dark
Living Dead in Dallas
Club Dead
Dead to the World
Dead as a Doornail
Definitely Dead
All Together Dead
From Dead to Worse
Dead and Gone

EDIT: Don't miss the chance to win the first seven books from Melissa at Melissa's Bookshelf. Thanks, Melissa!!

EDIT #2: if you're on Twitter, the challenge is using the hashtag #SookieSRC (for Sookie Stackhouse Reading Challenge). Feel free to join in #SookieSRC conversations whenever you see them.

EDIT #3: Don't miss the chance to win the first season of True Blood! Michelle of GalleySmith is offering incentive to get you through this challenge: Sookie on your big-screen TV. Thanks Michelle!!

There are also Sookie and gang short stories and an up-coming anthology! For more, see Charlaine Harris's website.


The Reading Momster 6/17/09, 8:15 AM  

I will look for her books and if i can find them easily... i will join this challenge :)

Cackleberry Homestead 6/17/09, 8:19 AM  

I'm in. I just started the books last month and finished the first one and I'm anxious to keep going with the series. Thanks for offering this challenge.

Anonymous,  6/17/09, 9:25 AM  

I'm in too! My post is up and link to Mr. Linky.

Unknown 6/17/09, 9:32 AM  

Yayyyy! I've been wanting to read Sookie Stackhouse for the longest time! I'm IN!

Alea 6/17/09, 10:28 AM  

Yay Yay Yay! Thank you so much for doing this! You are the best "big sis" a girl could have! I'm going to try and do my post tonight when I get home! I woke up very excited this morning knowing I could see your post and button!

Melissa O. 6/17/09, 10:59 AM  

This is a great idea :-) Sadly, I did not seem to like these books as much as most people, but I decided to host a giveaway of my set of the first seven books to help out anyone who wants to participate in this challenge! Here's the link - Huge Sookie Stackhouse Giveaway!

Ashley 6/17/09, 11:27 AM  

This is such a great idea! I am definitely going to sign up! I just finished reading Living Dead in Dallas so I still have a lot to catch up on!

Nely 6/17/09, 12:13 PM  

This is great! Too bad I'm all caught and I have so many books on my shelves as is, if not, I'd totally reread them just to join the challenge. Have fun!

Nely 6/17/09, 12:13 PM  

This is great! Too bad I'm all caught and I have so many books on my shelves as is, if not, I'd totally reread them just to join the challenge. Have fun!

Sherri 6/17/09, 12:23 PM  

This is a challenge that I can take!!! Something that will be fun!! Is there anything specific that I need to do since I don't have a blog post? I have a hard enough keeping up with or remembering to use my myspace one! lol

Beth F 6/17/09, 12:28 PM  

Sherri You are now official joined up! This comment is enough.

Belle 6/17/09, 1:03 PM  

I'm signing up - save a spot for me! Don't have my sign-up post up yet - need to plough through a deadline, but I will be back!

SuziQoregon 6/17/09, 1:49 PM  

I'm thinking . . . I'm thinking . . .

I want to read the first one for sure, but hesitate to commit for all.

I have a coupon so maybe I'll buy the first one and read, then decide . . .

Randi 6/17/09, 1:57 PM  

This will be a great challenge for me. I just started the series and have already read the 1st and 2nd books.

Thanks for hosting

kmt1976 6/17/09, 2:47 PM  

I just read the first chapter of Dead and Gone in Charlaine Harris's blog and I am hooked!

Whitney 6/17/09, 3:12 PM  

This a great idea I've been wanting to read this series for a while, I'm in!

Holly 6/17/09, 3:53 PM  

So Excited! I am all in for this one.

Louise 6/17/09, 3:59 PM  

I'm definitely in :-)

Unknown 6/17/09, 5:40 PM  

Am I the only person who has never heard of these books? Are they really popular in the US?

Please could you let me know what they're about, and why I should give them a go? I'd love to join your challenge, but I need a bit of persuasion first!

Julie P. 6/17/09, 7:48 PM  

Why are you torturing me so? I really want to join, but.... Let me think about it for a short time and I'll let you know.

Melody 6/17/09, 7:53 PM  

I've only read the first book and I enjoyed it!

I'm not allowed to join more challenges, but this one sounds very tempting!!!

Fiona 6/17/09, 7:55 PM  

I'm in! Looking forward to it so much that I'm going to check out my local library's online catalogue right now to see if I can borrow the first one and get started!

The Book Resort 6/17/09, 8:32 PM  

Sookie... I'm in. Thank you so much for making this happen.

Yvonne 6/17/09, 8:33 PM  

Sounds good! I'm in!

Andrea 6/17/09, 8:45 PM  

I have most of the books but haven't read any yet. I probably won't start for a while, but I posted the challenge and am excited about it!

Janicu 6/17/09, 9:34 PM  

Ok, good! I'm in. I have only read book 1, but have upto book 7 in the TBR!

Sandy 6/17/09, 10:36 PM  

I'm totally excited for this! I'm finally jumping on the Sookie bandwagon. :)

Anonymous,  6/17/09, 11:42 PM  

I've got the first book, Dead Until Dark, on Mt. TBR. I don't know if I like the books or not :-) I also have True Blood season 1 in my Netflix queue, but I'm waiting until I finish the book to get them.

I've bookmarked this post and starred it on my Google Reader so I can come back and linky-up ;-)

Becky 6/18/09, 1:31 AM  

Sad...I'm in the middle of Book 3. They're interesting, but I kind of like them and can't always put my finger on it! Sounds like a fun challenge, and I'll keep my eye out on what everyone has to say.

Meghan 6/18/09, 3:51 AM  

I'm in! This challenge will be fun. =)

Susan 6/18/09, 7:46 AM  

I have read book 1, have had the others "on the list". Hope this will motivate me to actually get them read.

Libby 6/18/09, 8:37 AM  

I am excited - this is a great challenge! :) My friend has been trying to get me to read the rest this summer.


For those that have seen the show & read some of the books - do you like the show's adaptation? or not?

Marq 6/18/09, 9:23 AM  

This is perfect timing! I've been wanting to read the Sookie Stackhouse series and this provides the perfect opportunity. I'm definitely in! I've already linked my post via Mister Linky.

Anonymous,  6/18/09, 11:03 AM  

I've just started reading the Sookie Stackhouse series (finished first 3 books this month), so count me in!

Rabid Fox 6/18/09, 12:41 PM  

Well, this will be my first reading challenge. I just reserved a copy of "Dead Until Dark" at my local library today. Talk about kismet.

And, thanks for the link to the contest as well.

Lynn (creative birdie) 6/18/09, 1:27 PM  

Yay! I can't wait to go out and get the 2nd book and start reading it :)

Darlene 6/18/09, 2:38 PM  

I'm going to join in Beth. I'll get my post done up this weekend probably.

Jenny 6/18/09, 11:06 PM  

Cool, I've been wanting to do this anyway. I have only read 1 so 8 more to go. I'll link to my blog later. Thanks

Serena 6/19/09, 9:34 AM  

this sounds like so much fun...I'll have to join the challenge...though I have to wait to get home from work before I put up a post and sign mr. linky!

Shanyn 6/19/09, 8:26 PM  

Just joined, my first official challenge!

Katrina 6/19/09, 11:38 PM  

I didnt follow directions and I linked to my blog, sorry! The link to my post is http://trinsnook.blogspot.com/2009/06/sookie-stackhouse-reading-challenge.html

Julie J. 6/20/09, 12:45 AM  

This will be my first challenge so I'm in. I have all the books I just haven't read them yet. My daughter just finished the entire series in under a week (boring summer she says). Thanks for the challenge. I'll post my links shortly.


diva donna 6/20/09, 9:47 AM  

I'm reading and really enjoying the books and would like to join the challenge. It's a very interesting series. I've just started Bk#3 "Club Dead" The TV Series strays from the books.

Serena 6/21/09, 9:04 AM  

I've got my participation post listed! This is going to be fun...thanks for hosting.

bermudaonion 6/21/09, 9:30 AM  

I've caved into peer pressure and joined!

Desert Rose 6/21/09, 3:46 PM  

I love Sookie and I've already finished 8 books so I got the last book to read and the short stories too..

here is my link


thank for this PERFECT challenge :)

Bobbie 6/21/09, 6:19 PM  

I am trying to find you on twitter but not having any luck. Could you please provide a link to your twitter page? I would love to keep up with it.
My twitter is


Ps. Oh gosh I just re-read what i wrote and it sounds so spammish, lol! I swear it's not!

Carrie K. 6/21/09, 9:12 PM  

Okay, okay - I'm caving. I'll be back with my challenge post in the next couple of days. Good thing it's a whole year!

Sherrie 6/22/09, 11:24 AM  

Hi Beth,
I'm in for this challenge. I have it posted and linked back to you. Have a great day!!


Unknown 6/22/09, 12:11 PM  

Hi Beth! My post is finally up!

Heather 6/22/09, 1:43 PM  

I found out about this author just a few weeks ago and was looking for the first book on friday. Have signed up for the challenge and requested the book from my library to try before I buy. Thanks.

Melody 6/23/09, 1:55 AM  

OK, I'm in, Beth! :D

Anonymous,  6/23/09, 11:24 AM  

Hey! :) I signed the Mr Linky previously but put the link to my blog (I don't know how to read the rules it seems!) Anyway, I posted for the challenge today and here is the direct link :


I don't know if I should sign again or if it can be corrected?

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie 6/23/09, 4:40 PM  

This is a great challenge! I fell behind in the series so I'd love to catch up with Sookie!

Anonymous,  6/28/09, 6:07 PM  

I joined.. Great Challenge.. Now can we list other books by Charlaine Harris? Or just her Sookie Stackhouse ones?? Please e-mail me directly so I don't miss a reply..


Literary Feline 6/30/09, 9:03 AM  

Sorry it's taken me so long to post about this one, Beth. I'm definitely in.

Anonymous,  6/30/09, 9:22 AM  

Yeppie, I have joined the reading challenge, too! Gotta luv some Sookie~

Anonymous,  6/30/09, 3:27 PM  

I just signed up for the challenge and I just finished the 3rd book on my lunch break today! Thanks for hosting a Sookie Stackhouse reading challenge!

Staci 6/30/09, 8:39 PM  

This is going to be fun!! Thanks for hosting this challenge!

Tena 7/1/09, 12:40 PM  

I'm in.... my blog has been added to Mr Linky

Unknown 7/1/09, 12:44 PM  

So awesome! You've given me the kick in the rump I needed to read these! Thanks Beth :o)

Anonymous,  7/1/09, 1:20 PM  

After looking at some of your blogs and the Sookie books listed on them, I thought I should mention that many of you are missing books. There are 7 anthologies that go BETWEEN the Sookie Stackhouse novels.

For the full list of Sookie Stackhouse books check out:


Barbara 7/1/09, 4:37 PM  

I'm in and I'm certainly going to check out the short stories that I missed too. I guess I'm making up for lost time since this would be the fourth reading challenge I've joined this year.

Anonymous,  7/1/09, 4:53 PM  

Thanks for the welcome, the button came from The Crazy Book Slut, thats how I found out about this awsome contest.

Tena 7/1/09, 5:10 PM  

sure you can use the button on my blog

Anonymous,  7/1/09, 9:30 PM  

I finally got my post up!

Unknown 7/2/09, 10:09 AM  

I would like to join this challenge. I'm interested in the supernatural, anything supernatural.

I don't blog. Really can't figure out to use it. Is there a way I can keep track of my books read without using a blog?


Beth F 7/2/09, 10:27 AM  

Jen (sweethaven): yes you can join. I'll give directions for nonbloggers on July 5 or 6 -- but basically you just leave a comment (like you did today) saying what you read and what you thought about the book. Easy, I hope.

Unknown 7/2/09, 11:00 AM  

Thanks for the information. I'll keep watch for your post about posting what I read and what I think about it.

Someday, I'll start a blog for all the books that I have read.


Alex the Girl 7/3/09, 1:15 AM  

My husband and I started reading this series while waiting for season 2 of HBO's True Blood. I'm in for a re read challenge for sure!

Rachel 7/3/09, 2:26 AM  

Im soooo down I loved the first 2 books =)

Penny 7/3/09, 12:17 PM  

Okay, okay, you convinced me! (Not that I needed much of a push anyways!) :)

cindysloveofbooks 7/5/09, 10:10 PM  

You twisted my arm LOL I am taking part and I recruited another person to join too.

Unknown 7/6/09, 10:09 PM  

Sookie is my new guilty pleasure! Count me in!

Sandy 7/7/09, 12:40 PM  

I linked my post in the Mr. Linky. xD

Donna 7/7/09, 12:53 PM  

This is my first challenge and I'm really looking forward to it!

JillianLeigh 7/8/09, 12:35 PM  

I'm in! - @JillianLillian

Carolyn (Book Chick City) 7/13/09, 5:32 AM  

This is a great challenge! Have just received all first 8 books from amazon (waiting for 9th to come out in paperback). Thanks for hosting! :)

Eric 7/14/09, 3:23 PM  

Just starting the 4th book! Amazing!! I love this series so much. The TV show is not as good, but still incredibly entertaining. I can't wait to see what happens next!

sabrina 7/15/09, 2:05 PM  

i am in i have read 5 i own 4 i love them i love the show !!!! i love it love love it!!!!

MizB 7/16/09, 10:18 AM  

I didn't see a Mr.Linky, so I'm using a comment to sign up, if it's still okay to join in... My post about the challenge is up -- you can see my progress there, too.

Thanks for hosting! :D


jill 7/17/09, 1:08 PM  

I'm totally in. I began reading the series on June 25. I'm currently on book 5.

Here are the few comments I put on good reads.

Book 1: 6/22/09: I'm about half-way through. I'm definitely enjoying it and look forward to reading. I have to admit that the writing is less than stellar but it is exactly what I need right now brain candy (as Cindy would say).

Book 4: 7/10: I'm taking a little break from this until I finish my book club book. Because I'm a Bill fan and not an Eric fan I'm not enjoying this one as much but of course I have to trudge through so I know how things work out.

Btw, I definitely enjoy True Blood much more than the books. But since I don't have cable I need these to satisfy my curiosity.

7/13: I did quite a bit of reading today. I read about one hundred pages in Time Traveler's Wife and managed to finish this b...more 7/10: I'm taking a little break from this until I finish my book club book. Because I'm a Bill fan and not an Eric fan I'm not enjoying this one as much but of course I have to trudge through so I know how things work out.

Btw, I definitely enjoy True Blood much more than the books. But since I don't have cable I need these to satisfy my curiosity.

7/13: I did quite a bit of reading today. I read about one hundred pages in Time Traveler's Wife and managed to finish this book; I probably had about one hundred and sixty pages to finish. I am glad I took a break and then finished this book. I'm happy with the way it ended and I have hope of the way the other books could go.

I think it is good for me to read two books at once while I'm reading this series, one serious one then then the next in the line.

sabrina 7/21/09, 3:30 PM  

i love the sookie stackhouse novels i just love eric to death i finshed the last one and started rereading them today

Tam @ Bailey's and Books 7/22/09, 4:56 PM  

I'm in - a little late to the game, but looking forward to jumping in.

Anonymous,  7/24/09, 11:50 PM  

I can't believe I'm joining in, but here I am. I just listened to the first one as a library download from Netlibrary, and enjoyed it enough to download the next one immediately.

I figure I'm going to go through the whole series sooner or later, might as well join in the fun :-).

Martha Eskuchen 8/3/09, 10:54 PM  

Hey Beth! Great challenge! The only reason I am not signing up is I have read or listened to them all!! Waiting for # 10!! Hope everyone enjoys them as much as I did!

Hey Lady! 8/10/09, 2:36 PM  

This is the first time I regret having read all these books already! I look forward to reading your reviews!

Anonymous,  8/16/09, 12:58 PM  

Hi, I've added my link for the Sookie challenge...actually twice, since, like and idiot, I didn't read the instructions completely so if you don't mind to delete member 114, since that links to my reading blog and 115 links to the challenge. Thanks Libby

Mandyfish 10/3/09, 11:16 AM  

Hi! I've had a similar problem to Libby (above). I accidently entered an address into Mr. Linky that wasn't the link to my post about the challenge. Please delete 120. Luckily, I caught the mistake and 121 does lead to my post on the challenge.



CecilliaH,  10/7/09, 12:41 PM  

I've just started the series and have read the first book, "Dead Until Dark". It is an interesting premise that Ms. Harris has given us a world inhabited by vampires & people who are 'supposed' to now co-exist...she threw in a skinwalker for good measure, too. This is going to be a fun series! Thanks for the great contest!

Jen 10/13/09, 6:30 PM  

I just started up my reading blog and cant believe I hadnt done it a long time ago! But have this posted as one of my first challenges and posts for that matter! lol I loved the first book which I read a coupla years back but need to again and adore the tv series.

Fionnalas82,  10/17/09, 3:21 PM  

I just finished "Dead Until Dark." and definitely want to join in.

Hazel,  10/17/09, 3:22 PM  

I have Read each Sookie Stackhouse Book since Jan. of this year after I got the books for Christmas, I started out with Living Dead in Dallas that took about a few weeks,Club Dead same thing, Dead to the World same, then Book 5 I told myself I had to pace myself but I got to the middle of Dead as a Doornail stopped and read Dead until Dark that took a few weeks went back to Dead as a doornail read that took a couple weeks,thought ok well I can read the next book in about a month or so I caved and read Definitely Dead decided to savior the moment and read it within a month,I am currently on the Touch of Dead Short Stories book, then re-reading Club Dead (Season 3 of True Blood) so I can compare it,then All Together Dead then From Dead to Worse ..Book 9 Dead and Gone will be my Christmas Present...Everytime I want to pace myself and think ok time to take a slight break I can't do it they are that good u just get sucked in and end up wanting more each time.

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) 11/18/09, 9:33 AM  

I'm in! Better late than never! Getting a late start, but it'll be fun trying to get them all read!

AD sabry 12/4/09, 2:50 PM  

i truly love to participate in this lovely challenge, though I'm gonna start it at the 1/2 time

and i'm really sorry i added my link twice it was just a mistake

thanks for that lovely challenge

vivi 12/7/09, 3:56 PM  

This is great. I just started reading the series this weekend and read the first five books (didn't get anything else accomplished). I am very tired but it was a great adventure. That girl's got more problems than a little bit! lol

Darcy 12/15/09, 10:51 AM  

A little late, but I'm in: http://foxeddc.livejournal.com/660457.html

Lina Shaik 12/19/09, 11:27 AM  

My first reading challenge and am excited it's all about Sookie! Thanks for hosting the challenge.

Anonymous,  12/24/09, 12:09 PM  

I am so glad I signed up for this challenge. These books are such guilty, addictive reading...I have already finished books 1-4. Here is my review:


Unknown 1/30/10, 7:28 PM  

As I have discovered and started reading the Sookie Stackhouse series 2 months ago, this challenge is perfect for me to follow as I progress with the series. Great idea, thanks for hosting it! :-)

Scarlett 2/1/10, 6:05 PM  

I love everything Sookie! Thanks for hosting this great challenge.

Anonymous,  2/28/10, 11:00 PM  

Hello everyone! I just found this and had to enter. Thanks for hosting!

Bibliobabe 3/23/10, 2:39 PM  

Hey everyone! I posted a page with ALL current reading challenges. Let me know if you want me to add any other information about yours. I hope it brings even more readers to your challenge!
Reading Challenges.

Rachelle (Bibliobabe)

Lynda 3/26/10, 6:50 PM  

Very belated joining this challenge - but my daughter has just bought the set of books and so I thought why not ;0)

Unknown 4/12/10, 2:01 PM  

I just bought the first 8 books as a set for my nook, so I plan to read them. This will just make my try to read the a little faster than originally planned.

Anonymous,  5/7/10, 1:11 AM  

I joined earlier but I've changed my site around quite a bit and the link above is now defunct. Can you switch it with this one: http://sillylittlegame.blogspot.com/p/book-challenges-of-2010.html ?

Nat 6/3/10, 10:08 AM  

I was participating in the challenge and didn't even know it!

Mystee 6/5/10, 2:42 PM  

Oh man, I wish I'd have known about this. I just went through all of her books,m including the newest one...and did reviews on all of them.

I also have a giveaway for From Dead to Worse on my blog if anyone is wanting to enter that needs the book. :)


Unknown 6/17/10, 11:43 PM  

Hi Beth, Thanks a lot for hosting this challenge. I had so much fun reading all the books!

Alchemy Gothic 7/6/10, 9:34 AM  

Great blog, you've been bookmarked, being in the UK we have to wait a lot longer to see TB, but season 2 finally starts on tv later this month, I just can't wait, lol I've had to read all the books while waiting :)

I read all the Sookie books in under 2 months lol I've just started on her other series of books (you know the woman who can sense the dead)

Gothic Jewellery 2/12/11, 7:46 AM  

As much as I love Trueblood, I say like obsessed is a much more honest word, the TV show has got more disappointing season after season, it's good on it's on merit but for someone who loves the books they're changing things too much, Stop it! we don't like change :)

Ondrej from Good Reading 7/6/11, 2:23 AM  

I love book challenges, too bad I've missed this one...

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