28 March 2009

Awards! An Embarrassment of Riches

For a person who grew up with only brothers, I'm blessed to now have lots of sisters! Thanks to Dorte of DJs Krimiblog, Cathy of Kittling Books, Amy of My Friend Amy, and Jenny of Jenny Loves to Read! Wow! With all this talk about whether blogging and Twitter and the Internet create a community, this award offers proof to the idea that we develop true bonds. Thanks again to all of you.

Thanks to Rebecca from Lost in Books for this lovely award. The Premio Dardos Award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day. This award means a lot to me.

Robin of My Two Blessing recently celebrated her blogoversary. She's been blogging, reading, writing, and hosting challenges for two years! In honor of her blogoversary, Robin created this award for all her readers. Click on the link to read Robin's post, and it's not too late to offer her your congratulations.

And finally, Alea from Pop Culture Junkie presented me with the Zombie Chicken award. Here's what's all about:

"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all..."

I dare not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens and must bestow this award on five worthy bloggers. Here are my choices, in no particular order:

Deborah From Books, Movies and Chinese Food
Nely from All About {n}
Sandy from You've Gotta Read This
Jackie from Farm Lane Books
Melody from Melody's Reading Corner

I hope I have appeased the Zombie Chickens!!


Bingo 3/28/09, 8:56 AM  

Congratulations on all your awards..that chicken one had everyone running scared but it is so cute (even so I wasn't taking any chances because I don't even know what a zombie chicken might really be?!)...great blog!

Ana S. 3/28/09, 9:35 AM  

Congratulations on all your awards! I love the Zombie Chicken :D

Vasilly 3/28/09, 9:36 AM  

Congratulations!The Zombie Chicken is a cool award.

Dorte H 3/28/09, 10:44 AM  


Best wishes from one of your many sisters :D

Molly 3/28/09, 10:55 AM  

Congratulations on all the awards, Beth. I hope you are having a great weekend!

bermudaonion 3/28/09, 11:00 AM  

I know why you got all those awards - your blog is fantastic. Congratulations!

Robin M 3/28/09, 12:06 PM  

Congratulations on all your awards. The tao of the zombie chicken = very creative. :)

Sandy Nawrot 3/28/09, 12:29 PM  

Zombie Chickens?! I love it! I've coveted many awards, but this one beats all! I shall give careful thought to who should receive this! Thank you Beth! Love ya!

Alyce 3/28/09, 12:30 PM  

I'm just dropping by to let you know that I've given you an award too:

Unknown 3/28/09, 3:05 PM  

Thank you so much! I'm honoured!

Amy 3/28/09, 3:55 PM  

I think you chose well and have appeased the zombie chickens!

Desert Rose 3/28/09, 4:06 PM  

Congrats on your awards :)

Desert Rose 3/28/09, 4:06 PM  

Congrats on your awards :)

Unknown 3/28/09, 5:39 PM  

Congratulations on all your awards. I agree, if anyone has doubts whether this is a community, all they have to do is look at these awards.

Literary Feline 3/28/09, 9:33 PM  

Much deserved awards for a great blogger. :-) Congratulations!

Penny 3/28/09, 11:11 PM  

Congrats on the awards! You do a great job, and deserve them all!

Anonymous,  3/29/09, 10:06 AM  

You had a quite a week! Congratulations :)

Melody 3/29/09, 7:43 PM  

Congrats, Beth!

I've to say the Zombie Chicken Award is one extraordinary award! Thanks, Beth! :D

Jenners 3/29/09, 7:50 PM  

I think the Zombie Chicken award is one of the funniest ones I've seen! Congrats ... all all well deserved!

Tash 3/30/09, 1:24 AM  

Congratulations on all your awards! You deserve it! :P

Ms. Yingling 4/1/09, 6:33 AM  

Zobie Chickens, huh? Now if there were a middle grade fiction book about them, that would make a lot of students happy!

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To The Blogger Guide, Blogger Buster, Tips Blogger, Our Blogger Templates, BlogU, and Exploding Boy for the code for customizing my blog. To Old Book Illustrations for my ID photo. To SEO for meta-tag analysis. To Blogger Widgets for the avatars in my comments and sidebar gadgets. To Review of the Web for more gadgets. To SuziQ from Whimpulsive for help with my comments section. To Cool Tricks N Tips for my Google +1 button.

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