17 January 2009

Tag: Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Carrie from Books and Movies tagged me for the "I Have Been Lazy, Hence I Make Excuses" meme, in which we are to list the excuses we give ourselves when we haven’t made time to read, in spite of the towering stacks of to-be-read books. Be sure to click on through and see Carrie's excuses.

This is hard for me because my life generally goes the other way -- I always have time for reading but never have time for anything else. But here goes:

1. It's January, I really should put away those Halloween decorations.
2. I just heard TweetDeck beep; I don't want miss any vital news.
3. I need to go to the store; for some odd reason Mr. BFR thinks there should be food in the house.

If you want to play along, consider yourself tagged!


Anonymous,  1/17/09, 8:25 AM  

The excuse about TweetDeck isn't funny, it's true.

Unknown 1/17/09, 9:52 AM  

I loved the bit about Halloween decorations!!

What's TweetDeck?

Alea 1/17/09, 9:54 AM  

Hehe, oh man I'm good at excuses!

I'm missing out on all these Twitters apps, I didn't know that they could beep!

Beth F 1/17/09, 9:59 AM  

Jackie (Farm Lane): it's a Twitter reader.

Tash 1/17/09, 11:47 AM  

Ha ha ... Halloween decor still up in January? I'm taking on your tag cause I've skipped reading this week!

Anonymous,  1/17/09, 11:50 AM  

I echo the TweetDeck excuse - that beep draws my attention every time!

Beth F 1/17/09, 11:53 AM  

Yes, Tweeting is dangerous!

Natasha (Ms Ulat Buku): Great! I'll be looking for your answers.

Literary Feline 1/17/09, 12:03 PM  

Did you get those Halloween decorations taken down? ;-)

This weekend my excuse for not reading will be because I've got company staying with us. If I had my way though, I'd be holed up in my bedroom reading while my husband does all the entertaining. LOL

Have a great weekend!

Michele 1/17/09, 12:05 PM  

Mr. BFR is so unreasonable about food....tell him it's called the Reading Diet. No groceries until the TBR pile becomes manageable, LOL.

Beth F 1/17/09, 12:10 PM  

Wendy: What is it with company -- can't they entertain themselves??

Michele: Sometimes I just don't understand Mr. BFR at all.

Anonymous,  1/17/09, 5:03 PM  

The excuses mostly revolve around my dog, a yellow lab.

1. George needs to go play at the park.
2. George needs some attention.
3. House chores like laundry.

Beth F 1/17/09, 5:20 PM  

Matt: We're currently pet-less or I'd used that excuse too!

Anonymous,  1/19/09, 8:56 AM  

Feeding my family takes up so much of my "free" time!

- meal planning
- shopping (think about it, by the time you've taken the groceries off the shelf, into your cart, onto the conveyer, into the bag, into your cart, out of the cart into your car, out of the car into your house, out of the bags into the pantry, you've touched that head of lettuce or loaf of bread at least half a dozen times!)
- cooking
- cleaning up the kitchen

Of course, dinners are wolfed down in no time ... maybe I should just serve cardboard and ketchup!

joyh82 1/20/09, 9:20 AM  

Great blog! Just found you.

Anonymous,  1/21/09, 8:07 PM  

That's why I stopped the TweetDeck! I feel that exact same way. I finally have all the reviews read...okay, there are like ten more. Those can wait until tomorrow. I had to get to the RSS reader before FeedDemon became just Demon and go crazy.

Beth F 1/21/09, 8:39 PM  

Dawn: "real" life truly does take precedence most of the time.

Joy: Thanks!

J. Kaye: I love Twitter, but it's the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I can't Twitter my life away. I'm down to a brief good morning and short time as I quit work. Reading, family, work, and other fun things should come first!

Anonymous,  1/21/09, 8:43 PM  

Beth, I hear ya. When I get caught up on my RSS reader, I'll need to do the same. I could easily become a permanent Twitter junkie.

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