10 September 2016

Weekend Cooking: 4 Books for Food Lovers

Weekend Cooking hosted by www.BethFishReads.comWeekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.

4 Books for Food LoversBoy this week turned out to be busy! Lots going on at home and with work. Regardless, I managed to make a few awesome dinners (a turkey enchilada bake, Swiss chard with beans and bacon, Cajun burgers, for example) but didn't really have much time to read for pleasure.

I've been adding several interesting food books to my reading stack, including cookbooks, memoirs, and general food writing. Earlier this week I wrote about the eye-opening Real Food, Fake Food, a book that changed my food-buying and -consuming habits. I guess I wasn't as well-informed as I thought I was! Click on through for my thoughts.

Here are four books I hope to get to soon -- as in before the year is out. Have you read any of them? I looked through the books and read a few reviews and came up with three Quick Facts for each title.

Modified by Caitlin ShetterlyModified by Caitlin Shetterly:
  1. Explores the connection between GMOs and health/allergies.
  2. Presents a personal perspective from a published journalist.
  3. Also looks at the nasty side of today's agribusiness (can you say Monsanto?).
(Penguin Random House, Putnam, September 2016)

A Perfect Score by Kathryn Hall and Craig HallA Perfect Score by Kathryn Hall and Craig Hall:
  1. The story of a couple who switched from politics (Kathryn) and real estate (Craig) to the wine business.
  2. After two decades as growers and producers, they saw one of their wines earn a perfect score of 100.
  3. A look at Napa Valley culture and politics and the life of the rich and famous.
(Hachette Book Group, Center Street, September 2016)

Not My Mother's Kitchen by Rob ChiricoNot My Mother's Kitchen by Rob Chirico:
  1. The subtitle reveals all: "Rediscovering American-Italian Cooking through Stories and Recipes."
  2. The book oozes with humor and warmth.
  3. The recipes cover a full range from traditional and authentic to very modern.
(Penguin Random House, Imagine, September 2016)

A Square Meal by Andrew Coe and Jane ZiegelmanA Square Meal by Andrew Coe and Jane Ziegelman:
  1. Discusses the shaky equation of food, agriculture, and economics during the Great Depression.
  2. Shows how science (especially nutrition research), politics, and new technologies were called on to feed a starving nation.
  3. Includes vintage recipes and personal stories.
(HarperCollins, Harper, August 2016)


Mae Travels 9/10/16, 6:10 AM  

You've highlighted some very intriguing books, as usual! The New York Times had a long review of "A Square Meal" but the others are new to me. Interesting.

best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

JoAnn 9/10/16, 7:17 AM  

Real Food, Fake Food went straight to the top of my audio wish list after reading your review earlier this week! Now I've added Not My Mother's Kitchen and A Square meal, too.

Tina 9/10/16, 7:19 AM  

Modified and A Square Meal are of interest to me. I have recently been reading about food, GMOs and we also found we aren't as educated on that subject as we thought. We stay on a healthy meal plan most of the time but recently we took up a whole foods plant based menu....wow, I actually feel better by having fewer meat meals and cutting back. I like the book about wine too 😉
I hope things slow down at home and you can relax, enjoy some fall temperatures. Read for pleasure. Here is wishing Mr. BFR good health and healing too.

jama 9/10/16, 8:33 AM  

Thanks for the heads up on these books. Will have to add them to my TBR list! Happy September!

bermudaonion 9/10/16, 8:39 AM  

They all look good! I hope to read A Square Meal before the year is out too.

Jackie McGuinness 9/10/16, 8:50 AM  

I've added some of these too. Right now, I really need to use up stuff in my freezer it is too full so I forget what's in there.
On my to do list today is to take an inventory.
Now if only I had labelled everything!

(Diane) bookchickdi 9/10/16, 8:58 AM  

We're headed to our first trip to Napa in a few weeks, I'm going to have to pick up The Perfect Score for our plane trip.

rhapsodyinbooks 9/10/16, 9:42 AM  

A Perfect Score sounds interesting, thanks for the highlights!

Katherine P 9/10/16, 10:24 AM  

These all sound great! I have Real Food, Fake Food on my TBR already but I'm definitely adding Not My Mother's Kitchen, A Perfect Score, and A Square Meal. I hadn't heard of any of these 3 so thanks for spotlighting them!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! 9/10/16, 11:11 AM  

All four books look like great reads, thanks!

Claudia 9/10/16, 12:19 PM  

A good selection of of non-fiction Beth. I'm sometimes on the right side of issues (against GMOs) without having enough substantiation, so need to get my facts in line.

Deb in Hawaii 9/10/16, 12:22 PM  

Definitely have Real Food Fake Food on my TBR list and these sound really good too. Monsanto is doing lots of press here lately about the good they do for the islands in terms of jobs and community giving but man they both scare and anger me. Modified may be next up on my list. Thanks for sharing.

Esme 9/10/16, 1:46 PM  

these all look like interesting reads. Thank you for them.

Debbie 9/11/16, 11:56 PM  

I've been wanting to read "a Square Meal"! The others look good too.

Esme 11/1/16, 1:04 AM  

thank you for the suggestions. I always enjoy discovering new books.

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