02 July 2013

Today's Read: The Distance between Us by Kasie West

The Distance between Us by Kasie WestCan love truly build a bridge between the social classes? When Caymen Meyers, 17-year-old self-professed hater of the rich, meets Xander Spense, she fortifies her fences. Despite his charm and pretty face, she knows full well his wealthy background will prevent them from having any long-lasting relationship. Is Caymen right to be leery?

My eyes burn a hole in the page. I should know this. I can usually dissect a science equation easily, but the answer isn't coming to me. The bell on the door dings. I quickly tuck my homework beneath the counter and look up. A guy on a cell phone walks in.

That's new.  Not the cell phone part but the guy part.
The Distance between Us by Kasie West (HarperCollins / HarperTeen, 2013, p. 1; uncorrected proof)

Quick Facts
  • Setting: contemporary, USA
  • Circumstances: Can two teens overcome family pressure and built-in distrust to find love?
  • Characters: Caymen, only daughter of a single mom who owns a doll shop; Xander, golden son of a hotel dynasty magnate; their families and friends
  • Genre and audience: young adult; contemporary love story; coming-of-age
  • Themes: social class; family loyalty; growing up; finding oneself; overcoming prejudices
  • Miscellaneous: it has been billed as Pretty in Pink meets Pride & Prejudice; great summer read; a Bloggers Recommend pick for July
ISBN-13:978006223565 Copyright © cbl for Beth Fish Reads, all rights reserved (see review policy).


Unknown 7/2/13, 7:05 AM  

This sounds like it would be a light summer read. I would keep reading!

kitkatscanread 7/2/13, 7:09 AM  

Ahh I really want to read this one. Thanks for visiting my blog ^_^

Silvia 7/2/13, 7:31 AM  

I like this teaser and the last part made me smile :)

Here's mine.

TBM 7/2/13, 7:31 AM  

Sounds intriguing...who is the guy?

Anonymous,  7/2/13, 7:48 AM  

This looks interesting. I will have to check it out. Here is my TT http://cynthia2729.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/teaser-tuesday-july-2/

gautami tripathy 7/2/13, 8:08 AM  

I am not much of a YA reader. I would need more to go on...

Here is my post

Book Blather 7/2/13, 8:54 AM  

I have this on pre-order and I'm super excited to try it - it will be my first Kasie West read. :-)

starryeyedjen 7/2/13, 9:01 AM  

Hehe...great teaser! I was hoping my copy would arrive a day early so I could post a teaser from it, but no such luck. I hope this book lives up to its potential! Thanks for sharing & stopping by!

kayerj 7/2/13, 9:02 AM  

the opening paragraph is fun, I'd keep going. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

Laurel-Rain Snow 7/2/13, 10:02 AM  

Definitely a tempting opener...and I want to know more! Thanks for sharing.


Margot 7/2/13, 11:11 AM  

Sounds mysterious. I want to know what kind of store this guy is walking into. I'd keep reading.

Heather 7/2/13, 11:23 AM  

There seems to be a lot fo talk about this one. I hope you enjoy(ed) it! My teaser: Escape by Barbara Delinsky

bermudaonion 7/2/13, 12:38 PM  

I like contemporary YA and will add this to my list to look for.

Anonymous,  7/2/13, 12:54 PM  

Sounds like an easy, fun, YA read!
Here's my Teaser Tuesday The Torturer's Daughter

Mei @ Diary of a Fair Weather Diver

Unknown 7/2/13, 1:01 PM  

Sounds like something I'd read on a hot summer day by the beach. :)

Andrea K. @ Books and Bindings
Teaser Tuesdays

Harvee44 7/2/13, 2:33 PM  

I've seen this theme/basic plot in other books. Hope this is one you enjoy!

Julie P. 7/2/13, 4:29 PM  

I loved Pretty in Pink!

Jessica @ a GREAT read 7/2/13, 5:56 PM  

Nice tease! Haven't heard of this one!

Thanks for visiting my teaser!

Tabitha (Pabkins) 7/2/13, 8:39 PM  

My eyes are always burning a hole in a page!

caite 7/2/13, 10:05 PM  

Really class is a much different issue in the US, much more fluid, than in most of the world.

Ellie @ Ellie Reads All the Books 7/3/13, 3:15 AM  

Sounds like a fun summer read. Thanks for stopping by :)

The Book Rogue 7/3/13, 4:54 AM  

Thanks for stepping by and sharing this. I heard good things about Kasie West books. =)

Karen and Gerard 7/3/13, 6:20 AM  

Does she know this guy I hope? Here's ours: http://ourstack.blogspot.com/2013/07/tuesday-teasers-from-scottline-bible.html

Literary Feline 7/3/13, 1:53 PM  

This sounds like it will be a good one. I will have to keep an eye out for it.

Michelle (my books. my life.) 7/3/13, 7:20 PM  

Pretty in Pink and Pride and Prejudice? Sold.

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