14 August 2012

Today's Read: Blood Wounds by Susan Beth Pfeffer

What would you think if you just learned the father you never knew had other families? Teenage Willa can't believe her mother never told her. And now two police officers have another bombshell:

"There were three little girls," Officer Schultz said.

"Were?" I repeated. "What do you mean there were three little girls? What kind of domestic disturbance was there?"

"Maybe we should wait until your mother gets home," Officer Rivera said. (pp. 32-33)
Blood Wounds by Susan Beth Pfeffer Houghton Mifflin Harcourt / Graphia, 2012; paperback edition to be released September 4)

Blood Wounds at Powell's
Blood Wounds at Book Depository
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Maryellen 8/14/12, 8:04 AM  

Wow! were is such a chilling way to put it :( interesting premise.

my TT

Irish 8/14/12, 8:15 AM  

Wow. That sounds chilling! I want to know what happened!

My teaser can be found here.

Daryl 8/14/12, 8:33 AM  

what a great tease .. now of course i need to know more, you are making me break my promise (to myself) to cut back on impulse shopping ... sigh

Jenn's Bookshelves 8/14/12, 8:36 AM  

Great teaser! I cannot wait to get my hands on this book!

Laurel-Rain Snow 8/14/12, 9:12 AM  

OMG! This one sounds like a book I must read! Thanks for sharing...and here's MY TUESDAY MEMES POST

Diana 8/14/12, 9:32 AM  

Uh-oh, that doesn't sound good!
Great teaser! Happy reading. :)

Here's our teaser.

Diana @ BookVenturers

Harvee44 8/14/12, 9:42 AM  

Your teaser makes me expect an explosive story and suspense, drama. Good one.

Irene 8/14/12, 9:56 AM  

Don't you just hate it when they say "maybe we should wait". Good teaser.

Unknown 8/14/12, 10:11 AM  

If that's not going to suck you into a book, I don't know what will. Wow, looking this one up! Thank you!!

Unknown 8/14/12, 10:14 AM  

Oh! This is the author who wrote THE WORLD WE LIVE IN!! Oh yeah, it's gonna be good.

Zibilee 8/14/12, 10:23 AM  

Oh wow! I am pretty sure that this doesn't bode well....

Unknown 8/14/12, 10:32 AM  

Love this teaser. Makes me want to see what this on is all about.
Here is my TT

Anonymous,  8/14/12, 10:59 AM  

A captivating teaser.


Nise' 8/14/12, 11:23 AM  

Got to get this book! Great tease.

Michelles Paranormal Vault Of Books 8/14/12, 12:27 PM  

sounds good, like that teaser.
Here is mine, and I am following with Rss, didn't see a GFC, so did that instead.
Teaser Tuesday Tuesday & Tuesday Intros Post

Cathy De Los Santos 8/14/12, 1:43 PM  

Sounds like it could be tragic. Really great teaser makes me want to learn more about this book. Here's my Teaser

Cheryl 8/14/12, 2:16 PM  

This one sounds great. Here's mine http://www.thebusymomsdaily.com/2012/08/teaser-tuesdays-august-14th.html

bermudaonion 8/14/12, 3:28 PM  

Yikes! I find the cover creepy and it sounds like there's a good reason for that!

Lisa-Marie Jordan 8/14/12, 3:31 PM  

Wow, that sounds like an awesome book! Thanks for sharing it!

Belle Wong 8/14/12, 4:21 PM  

That's a great teaser. Sounds like a very interesting premise!

CarpeDiem 8/14/12, 5:47 PM  

Spooky-sounding! Great teaser! Thanks for sharing!

Here's mine: http://library1baby.blogspot.com/2012/08/teaser-tuesday-13-for-luck.html

Have a great day

Alyce 8/14/12, 7:31 PM  

I'll be curious to see what you think of this one. I read it last year while on layover in an airport for several hours.

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