31 July 2012

Today's Read: Dark Companion by Marta Acosta

Last week I introduced you to Marta Acosta's Dark Companion. I finished it over the weekend and really enjoyed its Gothic overtones and fresh take on the paranormal.

In this scene our hero, Jane Williams, is caught on a wooded path at dusk:

Shadows shifted with the movement of the branches in the wind and there were so many noises, so many creaks and swishes, that I got spooked and started running. My feet slid sideways in my too-big sandals, so I paused to pull them off and ran barefoot the rest of way to cottage.

Once inside, I shut the door and locked it.

As the night got later, the wind increased and branches swept against the roof. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed that the branches were stretching around to encircle my cottage. They were squeezing tighter and tighter, bringing the walls close in on me. I tried to get out, but the doors were jammed shut as the small house began cracking under the pressure.

I awoke gasping for air, and goose bumps covered my arms. (pp. 49-50)
Dark Companion: A Novel by Marta Acosta (Macmillian / Starscape, Tor Teen, 2012)

Quick Facts
  • Setting: California; modern times
  • Circumstances: Jane Williams is an orphan from the wrong side of tracks who is given a scholarship to an exclusive girls' day school in a small, insular town
  • Characters: Jane, an emancipated minor; her girlfriends; the mean girls; two brothers, the sons of the headmistress
  • Main themes: overcoming tough circumstances, hiding family secrets, love, family, duty
  • Genre and audience: Gothic, semi-paranormal, a bit of mystery, young adult
  • Quick review thoughts: just the right amount of creepiness; ending not too obvious; fresh take on paranormal; good characters; well written

Want to Know More? Author Marta Acosta has granted a number of interviews; check out The Examiner.com, Anna's Book Blog, and Love Vampires, for example. For more about Acosta, visit her website, follow her on Twitter, and like her Facebook page. For more about Dark Companion, see reviews from Kirkus, Publisher's Weekly, and book bloggers. Book clubs, teachers, and home schoolers will appreciate the extensive Reader's Guide found at the back of the book.

Dark Companion at Book Depository
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Sandra Nachlinger 7/31/12, 12:11 AM  

I've had attacks of claustrophobia, and your post tells exactly what it felt like. Terrible. But based on the writing in your post, I think I'd enjoy this book anyhow!

Maryellen 7/31/12, 1:23 AM  

I love the 'feel' of this, something I would definitely read. Thank you for sharing it!



Sabina 7/31/12, 1:37 AM  

Great teaser! I'm going to have to check this one out!
My Teaser Tuesday

Michelle Sedeño 7/31/12, 2:14 AM  

This book's in my GR tbr already. Will try to get a copy of this!
Here's mine:
Michelle Shouts Random: Teaser Tuesdays
Happy Tuesday and enjoy reading!

Anya Millar 7/31/12, 2:16 AM  

Very 'real' teaser! Very tangible read, thanks.


Here's my TT, it's from DUST OF MY WINGS ~ House Millar series


Shelley Munro 7/31/12, 4:22 AM  

Nice teaser. This sounds like a book I'd enjoy.

Here's My Teaser

Jessica ( frellathon ) 7/31/12, 6:04 AM  

That teaser created quite the setting great choice

Naomi Hop 7/31/12, 6:34 AM  

Sounds like a great book!!
Here is my Teaser Tuesday!!

Became a twitter follower of yours too!

Unknown 7/31/12, 6:58 AM  

This is a popular book tonight, great teaser!

Here is mine for this week:

bermudaonion 7/31/12, 7:46 AM  

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!

Stephen 7/31/12, 8:25 AM  

Talk about a vivid dream!

Cathy De Los Santos 7/31/12, 10:00 AM  

Thanks for stopping by today. I've really wanted to read this book, maybe I will get to it sooner.

Zibilee 7/31/12, 10:18 AM  

This book does sound very gothic and intriguing. Great choice of quote today!

Daryl 7/31/12, 10:32 AM  

I read a review of this in the NY Times BR this weekend and hesitated buying it and I cant recall why .. now I am adding it to the new list I began of 'books I am considering' .. I know I am nutz

Anonymous,  7/31/12, 11:21 AM  

Sounds like a thrilling teaser.


Tracy 7/31/12, 11:35 AM  

Sounds a little scary, but definitely intriguing. Great teaser :)

Here's mine @ The Coffee Pot

Ning 7/31/12, 1:47 PM  

oh no! that scenes looks like one from a scary movie/game! Thanks for stopping by!


Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

Michael @ The Bookshelf Review 7/31/12, 4:06 PM  

Awesome Teaser. Your teaser and the book trailer really want to make me read Dark Companion. Thanks for sharing and visiting My TT
Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

Bookish 7/31/12, 6:49 PM  

Great teaser, this is on my 'buy' list now!

My Tuesday Teaser

Heather 7/31/12, 7:33 PM  

Creepy scene, but sounds good! My teaser: Disney After Dark: Kingdom Keepers #1 by Ridley Pearson

Jo 7/31/12, 10:12 PM  

Wow. I know this is supposed to be about the teaser, but that trailer! I'm very intrigued.

Lizzy 7/31/12, 11:01 PM  

Woo, that is a spooky teaser! I'm definitely going to have to check this one out.

WutheringWillow @ A Paperback Life 8/1/12, 2:59 AM  

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Wow a really intriguing teaser! Thanks for sharing!

Harvee44 8/1/12, 7:56 AM  

I've read Marta Acosta's other series of books written under another name but have not tried her paranormal books. I do enjoy YA on occasion!

Julie P. 8/5/12, 7:59 AM  

I feel so out of it because this is a genre that just doesn't call out to me. I know I need to give some of these books a try.

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