21 June 2011

Today's Read: Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 "teaser" sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

In my life, in my world, I took it as an article of faith that chefs were unlovable. That's why we were chefs. We were basically . . . bad people—which is why we lived the way we did, this half-life of work followed by hanging out with others who lived the same life, followed by whatever slivers of emulated normal life we had left to us. Nobody loved us. Not really. How could they, after all? As chefs, we were proudly dysfunctional. We were misfits. We knew we were misfits, we sensed the empty parts of our souls, the missing parts of our personalities, and this was what had brought us to our profession, had made us what we were. (pp. 1-2)
—From Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain (HarperCollins / Ecco, 2011 [paperback])

Medium Raw at Powell's
Medium Raw at Book Depository
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Barbara 6/21/11, 9:22 AM  

I'm not fond of his TV show, but I do acknowledge that he has a sort of brilliance and I admire his being a maverick, yet successful in a world that demands conformity.

quirky girls 6/21/11, 9:56 AM  

I'll read anything Bouchard writes. I like the quote - very honest and insightful. He has lived a fast life.

Zibilee 6/21/11, 9:57 AM  

I read his first book many years ago, and would love to read this one as well. He certainly isn't afraid to be honest or original, that's for sure!

Nise' 6/21/11, 10:33 AM  

No wonder my son's friend, a chef, is the way he is! LOL.

Martha@Hey, I want to read that 6/21/11, 10:45 AM  

Is it odd that I love Anthony Bourdain but he makes me crazy? I'm going to have to read this one.

Anonymous,  6/21/11, 11:33 AM  

Goodness. I don't know if I want to know what the guy cooking my dinner is really like! I might be afraid to eat out ever again. Nice tease.

Here's mine: http://diannehartsock.wordpress.com/2011/06/21/teaser-tuesday-6/#comments

Harvee44 6/21/11, 11:34 AM  

He is so "cool." This is a book I'd love to read!
Book Dilettante

Anonymous,  6/21/11, 11:53 AM  

Poor chef! ;)

It will be interesting to see what else you have to say about the story.

NB: Beth, did you notice I moved my blog last month?

Pam (@iwriteinbooks) 6/21/11, 12:13 PM  

I do love me some Anthony B!

Fyrefly 6/21/11, 1:37 PM  

I absolutely loved the audiobook of Kitchen Confidential (which is read by Bourdain himself), and ever since I've been trying to lay hands on the rest of his books. Haven't gotten a copy of this one, yet, although you certainly picked an intriguing teaser!

Anonymous,  6/21/11, 2:10 PM  

Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't. Never read one of his books though, maybe I need to.

bermudaonion 6/21/11, 4:19 PM  

I'm sure Carl would love this book! He's more of a foodie than I am.

Alice Audrey 6/21/11, 7:01 PM  

I've actually heard chefs say things like that before.

Vasilly 6/21/11, 11:25 PM  

Wow! That is an amazing quote! I think I want to read Medium Raw now.

Jenners 6/22/11, 8:45 PM  

Nice juicy teaser! I keep meaning to read one of Bourdain's books. I love his honesty and forthrightness in what I've seen of him on TV (mostly as a judge on Top Chef). He seems like an interesting writer.

quirky girls 6/23/11, 12:15 AM  

I never knew chefs felt this way. I haven't read anything he's written but I do have Kitchen Confidential on the massive tbr list.


Andi 6/23/11, 8:54 AM  

Ahhh, Tony is one of my favorites. Love the show, love his books, and I can't wait to get my hands on this one. I'm sort of surprised I haven't read it yet.

Robin M 6/23/11, 5:33 PM  

Interesting Teaser. Makes me want to read the book when I don't even like the guy. :)

Sheila (Bookjourney) 6/24/11, 4:59 PM  

I would love to read something by Anthony... I have not seen much of his show but what I have seen kind pf fascinates me... :)

natalie @book, line, and sinker 6/24/11, 5:33 PM  

i remember watching his show while visiting my sister a few months back. he is pretty amazing and i liked the teaser! i recently read a memoir about a pastry chef who convinced me life in a restaurant isn't for me. the hours are insane, the pressure is unbelievable, and there's never time for 'real life'.

Alice 6/28/11, 9:48 AM  

My mom and sister would go gaga over this one. I know it in my bones.

I also have a friend who is a chef. Quite special that guy and he's not crazy or anything.

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