19 April 2011

Today's Read: Fire Season by Philip Connors

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 "teaser" sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

It's no wonder our Forest Service brethren think of us lookouts as the freaks on the peaks. We have, in the words of our forebear Edward Abbey, "an indolent, melancholy nature." Our walk home is always uphill. We live alone on the roof of the world, clinging to the rock like condors, fiercely territorial. We ply our trade inside a steel-and-glass room immaculately designed to attract lightning. Our purpose and our pleasure is to watch: study the horizon, ride out the storms, an eagle eye peeled for evidence of flame. (p. 47)
—From Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout by Philip Connors (Ecco, 2011)

Take a look at the book trailer for a bit of a bonus teaser!

Fire Season at Powell's
Fire Season at Book Depository
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Jules 4/19/11, 6:04 AM  

This does sound interesting, I love teaser Tuesdays! There are always such a great selection of books :)

Happy reading,


Sandy Nawrot 4/19/11, 6:14 AM  

It is fun how you would never imagine wanting to read a book about this, but there it is, being appealing.

Unknown 4/19/11, 6:19 AM  

interesting teaser! Never thougt about reading a book about this subject

Julie P. 4/19/11, 6:28 AM  

Great pick and unusual book!

Manga Maniac 4/19/11, 6:30 AM  

Oh, wow, your book looks like something my BF would enjoy. I will have to show it to him.

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) 4/19/11, 6:43 AM  

This sounds really good. I am very interested in nature. I am going to check it out. Here is my teaser: http://www.lisasworldofbooks.com/2011/04/teaser-tuesday_19.html

Harvee44 4/19/11, 7:14 AM  

Sounds like a really interesting book!

Book Dilettante

Laurel-Rain Snow 4/19/11, 8:10 AM  

Awesome teaser...this book sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous,  4/19/11, 8:21 AM  

Wow, this sounds really interesting and I loved the video preview for the book. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Here's my Tuesday Teaser from 13 Little Blue Envelopes. Happy Reading! Jen

Amy @ bookgoonie 4/19/11, 8:31 AM  

PErFect for what's going on in TX right now. Makes me think I need to dig out Always and watch it. Need a good laugh and cry. Thanks for stopping by my TT.

Sally 4/19/11, 9:16 AM  

Interesting teaser. Hope you are enjoying the book.

Barbara 4/19/11, 9:29 AM  

Finally, the perfect job for me! I must read this book.

Martha@Hey, I want to read that 4/19/11, 11:48 AM  

Great tease, my book club has thought about reading this one. I'm going to have to tell them how good it sounds.

Alice Audrey 4/19/11, 1:42 PM  

He certainly has a way with words.

bermudaonion 4/19/11, 2:29 PM  

"Freaks on the peak." I love it!

Good Company 4/19/11, 3:09 PM  

It takes a certain kind of breed to be a firefighter. I see that he is married. Very understanding wife. thanks for stopping by!

Dorte H 4/19/11, 4:23 PM  

"An eagle eye peeled for evidence of flame" - I like that!

Well, the job sounds romantic, but would I want it for more than half an hour? Probably not :)

Aisle B 4/19/11, 5:07 PM  

I would so LOVE to have that type of view... sighs in jealousy for the mountains and peaks.

Shelley Munro 4/19/11, 7:07 PM  

Great teaser. I'd love the views they have all day. Thanks for visiting my teaser.

Novroz 4/19/11, 10:40 PM  

The author has good taste of words. I really like the way he describes things in your teaser. thank you for sharing it.

Beth 4/20/11, 1:22 AM  

Excellent teaser! Thanks for stopping by.

Darlene 4/20/11, 12:04 PM  

I'm not sure this is a book for me but the teaser is definitely intriguing.

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