26 January 2010

Today's Read: The Life of Glass by Jillian Cantor

My father collected odd facts. The night he died, I sneaked out of my room and rode my bike in the Arizona desert with my best friend, Ryan. We liked to look for things in the dried-up wash, and that night he found a piece of rainbow glass and gave it to me. When I got home, I showed it to my dad, who told me that it takes glass a million years to decay. Now I've started high school, and my sister doesn't want anything to do with me, Ryan is paying attention to the new girl, and my mom has started to date. I study my father's journals every day, looking for an anchor.

—For more Where Are You? answers, visit Raidergirl3 at An Adventure in Reading. (Text by me, based on today's read.)

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 “teaser” sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

It was crazy the way I could break this glass, shatter it so quickly with just one false move, but I could not kill it, not really, not for a million years. Whereas it was so hard for people to break, but we could get sick or die in what seemed like a matter of seconds. (p. 33)
—From The Life of Glass by Jillian Cantor (Source: Review copy, see review policy)

The Life of Glass at Powell's
The Life of Glass at Amazon
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Kaye 1/26/10, 8:37 AM  

well, this one certainly sounds intriguing. Have not heard of this author. Mine is here

Harvee44 1/26/10, 9:12 AM  

I have to read this unusual book!
Here's my Teaser Tuesday.

Jennifer 1/26/10, 9:21 AM  

Quite an intriguing teaser, it has left m wanting more as a good teaser should. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/01/teaser-tuesdays-highlanders-destiny.html

Julie P. 1/26/10, 9:33 AM  

I am dying to read this! I read Ms. Cantor's last novel THE SEPTEMBER SISTERS and liked it. Plus, she is a fellow Penn Stater and I could use it for my new Back-to-School feature!

Athira 1/26/10, 9:35 AM  

Wow! I definitely like this teaser!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea 1/26/10, 9:44 AM  

I like the sound of this one a lot Beth - great teaser (off to check out more about this book).

Novroz 1/26/10, 9:49 AM  

It sounds like a poem

Miss Moppet 1/26/10, 9:59 AM  

A million years!

That motivates me to recycle the jam jars.

Nice cover too.

Dorte H 1/26/10, 10:18 AM  

Oh, I really like this glass symbol!

I haven´t read much by Paul Auster, but I think his book, City of Glass, is compelling for the same reason.

Darlyn 1/26/10, 10:27 AM  

somehow, i think it some kind of sad feeling about the book..that was great teaser though..

Stephanie 1/26/10, 10:44 AM  

That is an intriguing teaser. Enjoy!

April 1/26/10, 1:01 PM  

Love the teaser! This book looks and sounds great! I am very curious to read it now, lol!!
Here is mine:


Phyl 1/26/10, 1:19 PM  

Wow, I love the fact about glass that I just learned today, and your teaser really makes the book sound intriguing. Good choice!

My own teaser is at Bookishgal.

Anonymous,  1/26/10, 2:26 PM  

Beautiful teaser, but I feel so sorry for the girl.

Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict 1/26/10, 2:50 PM  

That's a really good teaser. I've been seeing this book around the blogosphere lately, it seems like a good read.

Jenners 1/26/10, 3:01 PM  

This teaser resonated with me. Well done.

Beth 1/26/10, 4:37 PM  

Interesting teaser! Thanks for visiting.

Sandy Nawrot 1/26/10, 5:43 PM  

Excellent peeks into this book!

jlshall 1/26/10, 6:52 PM  

Sounds like a great book, but a sad one. Wonderful teaser!

Melody 1/26/10, 7:14 PM  

Great teaser! Can't wait to hear what you'll think of it!

Margot 1/26/10, 7:43 PM  

The one sounds very insightful, comparing the life of glass to our lives. I look forward to reading your thoughts.

Nise' 1/26/10, 9:36 PM  

Looking forward to your review on this one, sounds good.

Alice 1/30/10, 11:59 PM  

Intriguing. Somehow that feels like me today.

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