08 December 2009

Today's Read: The Brain Finds a Leg by Martin Chatterton

Hi, I'm Sheldon McGlone, and you don't want to be me. Not only am I thirteen but my dad was lost at sea while conducting a whale-watching tour, my mom is starting to date a beer-guzzling police sergeant, and my older brother is a jerk. You might think I'd be able to find a few hours of peace at school, but my homeroom teacher is the Wicked Witch of the West, and she never seems to notice that Fergus Feebly thinks it's funny to shoot spitballs at the back of my head. How was I to know that from the moment Theophilus (The) Brain walked through the door of classroom 8C my life was going to change?

For more Where Are You? answers, visit Raidergirl3 at An Adventure in Reading.

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 “teaser” sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

"I observe you are speechless," said The Brain, pointing his pipe at Sheldon. "And who can blame you, old top? After all, it isn't every day that you get asked to be the confidant, the chronicler, the aide-de-camp of The Greatest Living Detective on Earth!"

"And that would be . . . ?"

"Myself, of course." (p. 32)
—From The Brain Finds a Leg by Martin Chatterton (Source: Review, see review policy)

The Brain Finds a Leg is the first in a new series by Martin Chatterton featuring teenagers Sheldon McGlone and The Brain. I have only just begun the book, but I can tell already that middle reader boys will like the way Chatterton writes; even the coolest kid will find something in Sheldon to relate to. I'm not surprised that the novel is a Junior Library Guild Premier Selection.

My full review will be up on Friday, but here are a couple of visual teasers (click to enlarge). The first is a little look at the novel in progress. Yes, the first draft of The Brain was handwritten in a spiral-bound journal! Who says you need a computer to become a published author? The other image is an illustration that Chatterton did of The Brain. If you head off to Chatterton's Facebook page, you'll see an uncanny resemblance between the young detective and his creator.


Yvonne 12/8/09, 7:44 AM  

Great teaser! Sounds like it's a good book for all ages.

The Literary Stew 12/8/09, 7:57 AM  

Interesting teaser! Never heard of this book.
Here's mine:

Harvee44 12/8/09, 8:37 AM  

That's certainly an interesting title! The brain gets a leg! Here's my teaser

Laurel-Rain Snow 12/8/09, 9:11 AM  

Sounds captivating!

Mine is here:


Alayne 12/8/09, 9:35 AM  

Nice teaser, very different. Here's mine.

Lisa 12/8/09, 9:39 AM  

That sounds like fun! I'll be looking forward to the review.

Here’s today’s teaser! It’s about the history of the Triads and it’s posted at my brand new website! Come check it out and be sure to get on my RSS feed!

Andrea 12/8/09, 9:49 AM  

That sounds like a super fun book. Great teaser!
Here's mine.

S. Krishna 12/8/09, 9:56 AM  

I have been hearing so much about this book. I'm looking forward to your review.

Anonymous,  12/8/09, 10:37 AM  

Now that sounds fabulous. I wonder if it's been released in the UK.

Sandy Nawrot 12/8/09, 10:48 AM  

OMG I love this. I think my son would really get into this one. Not everything inspires him outside video games, but this humor probably would!

Jennifer 12/8/09, 10:54 AM  

Ha! I love it! :) My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2009/12/possibility-teaser-tuesdays.html

Lisa 12/8/09, 11:24 AM  

Love that one! I am going to check it out for me and my 10 year old daughter. Sounds hilarious!

Here's mine:


Anonymous,  12/8/09, 11:32 AM  

Great one, fun too.
Here is mine:http://sumanam.wordpress.com/

Sherrie 12/8/09, 12:04 PM  

Hi Beth,
This sounds like a great book! I'll have to check this one out. Mine is posted at my place, Just Books. Have a great day!

Just Books

Heather 12/8/09, 12:36 PM  

Excellent teaser, sounds like a good book! My post is Here.

Beth 12/8/09, 12:44 PM  

This sounds like a fun book. Here is my Teaser for this week.

Julie P. 12/8/09, 1:13 PM  

Great teaser. I definitely want to take a closer look at these books! Love the title!

Margot 12/8/09, 1:17 PM  

I love the dialogue. Sounds like it came from a real kid. I definitely want to know more about this book.

Louise 12/8/09, 1:45 PM  

You really intrigued me with this one, especially considering The Brain is smoking a pipe as a teenager! LOL. A cigarette would have been more "appropriate" (no, that is not what I mean, but come on, a PIPE as a teenager. I thought teens experimented with other things ;-D Or maybe I misunderstood the whole pointing his pipe thing)

Jenners 12/8/09, 3:19 PM  

Oh...this looks like a lot of fun!

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks 12/8/09, 5:17 PM  

I know a certain 11 yr old boy who would like this one! Are there any of Chatterton's illustrations in the finished novel?

Veens 12/9/09, 12:43 AM  

That teaser cracked me up big time.
I will be looking forward to your review.. and that handwritten journal is fantastic. Brain is cute :)

Michelle 12/9/09, 3:34 PM  

This was a great read. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book as much as you have been the beginning :)

Alice 12/15/09, 1:13 AM  

I like the teaser! Now I want to read the full review. :)

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